Title: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, 36/36 [R] Dean, Sam, OFC, Bobby, John, Mary
Series: Firefly ‘Verse
Rating: PG for this chapter
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam, OFC (Emily & Calley), Bobby, John, Mary, & a couple of other OC’s
Notes: This is the next installment in the Firefly ‘Verse. Kinda need to read the one that started it all to get up to speed. You can find it here:
http://suzmc.livejournal.com/20769.html Comments are love. Lay ‘em on me, good or bad. Mai is an amazing beta and I love her. Zat and Kady, you chicks are crazy marvelous to listen to me whine and fret.
Disclaimers: I own mine, Kripke owns his. It’s best that way.
Summary: “See me safely through the night. And wake me with the morning light.” A mother’s plea sends John Winchester on a mission to see Emily safely through terrifying nights. But is it the right thing to do?
precious chapter Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep - Chapter 36- Epilogue