
Nov 01, 2005 21:05

Been awhile since I wrote, and I have a couple of updates. I am maintaining a 4.0 gradepoint average in both of my classes after my first real exam, and I am gearing up to take my second exams this week and next. It is amazing how well I can do scholastically when I show up to class and pay attention. I am actually surprised with how easy this is coming to me. I can feel the information being absorbed quickly and almost-effortlessly, and the only hint I have that the information is supposed to be at the very least somewhat difficult to process and interpret comes from the intermittent questions spawned from the rest of the class. Too easy. This is all just too easy. I have always taken for granted how easy this stuff is, and as a result my attention span has always dwindled and I invariably end up occupying my time with so much irrelevent bullshit that I start to lose focus on whats right in front of me... not this time though.

What is this, right in front of me? What are these things that are "too easy"? These are the things that make up my life. More importantly, these are the things that complete some people's lives... and one by one, I am knocking the obstacles down, and it amazes me how easily I am doing so. Lets examine...

First off, the first challenge most adults face is budgetting finances and obtaining consistent employment... no problems there at all, unless kids are brought into the picture I have zero sympathy for idiots who cannot thrive in this department. It took me awhile to get my focus, but now this area holds no challenge for me.

Second off are job obstacles you encounter while performing the task for which you are hired. This WAS very challenging for me at first, but after a little time, I became MORE than proficient at my job, I excelled beyond the scope of my predecessor and beyond the expectations of my superiors. Not only did i score full-performance on my annual review, but i am being PROMOTED before my 18 months is even up. Thats right, I am receiving a PROMOTION. I received recognition from a VICE PRESIDENT in my company that works 2 floors above my head, and he talked to my Director and compelled him to upgrade my haypoint. My entire desk is being re-vamped to fully reflect the amount of true work I have been doing all year, and I am being upgraded to a semi-annual salaried position... a distinguishment that only a handfull of the 50 people that work on my floor have the ability to boast, and the FIRST AND ONLY person who has ever worked this desk to be given this salary upgrade (without transferring to another department). My job? I love my job, and I am damned good at it.... but it's too easy.

Third? Scholastic challenges. No such thing for me so far. When I ace the classes im taking right now, this will be 12 hours in a row ive managed to make a 4.0 average in while working full-time. im hoping to be able to have enough money to take 3 classes next semester simultaneously, maybe 4... because lets face it... 2 classes, is 2 easy...

Fourth? Romantic challenges. Pfft! I must be doing something right... Im 25 years old, and I am dating a hot 21 year old accounting major who is even more scholastically advanced than I am, and she thinks the sun rises and sets in my underwear.

These are all the things that make up life, and I never fully realized how proficient I was at achieving on these levels. I remember back when I would sit in restless anticipation with nervous energy channeling inside me, unsure of what was coming or what to do with it... Pious might, motherfuckers... anyone remember that? I think I found my outlets, and the right path has never been so easy to travel... I want to feel the limits of my ability, I want to stretch to the limits of my ambition... because when I look around here, I know I dont belong...
because its all...


"Ill get what I want if I make up my mind, Im turning you inside-out; I wanna rule the world, wanna swallow it whole, I think I'll just kick it all down;
I wanna kick it all down..." Johnny Rheznick, "Eyes Wide Open"
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