Feb 21, 2006 22:49
I've been busy, but still on the right track. It is refreshing to come and write here about how I feel. I actually think it is working. I still think about DEAN and am SUPER proud of him with his new inventions with the water and the electricity. He's a combination of Einstein and Mother Theresa!! He will always be my idol.
I had a great dream about him last night. I never tell him how I really feel, though... I guess when I'm so close to him the chemistry is so great, there is so much electricity...I just lose my mind....
Man, do ya blame me???
He's sexy!!
I thought of another way to buy some water for people. If we sacrificed one present during the holidays and gave it towards a machine that could bring someone water or electricity, wouldn't that REALLY make us feel better?? We could call it, "Presents for Life."
Now THAT would make us feel better than my Grandpa's spiked eggnog!!
I hope I'm not alone on this one...