Daley fic update

Jan 26, 2009 15:17

Chapter 8

The sun threw orange and red beams on the water while setting on the horizon. A cool breeze filled the air and tingled against her skin but Haley hardly noticed her surroundings. Her thoughts were elsewhere- with Dean. His mood had changed so sudden that it scared her. His outburst made her realize that he was a stranger after all. She thought she knew him but today just showed her how little she knew about him. She needed to get away, clear her head so she started walking not bothering to take her bag or tell him where she was going. She found herself on the river court after a short walk; she took a seat on one of the picnic tables near the water and just stared into the distance. She had feelings for Dean but she didn’t know exactly what feelings yet. He could make her smile with just an expression, he listened when she ranted or dumped her problems on him. He took her breath away when he gave a genuine smile made her heart beat a mile a minute when he brushed past her. She knew small things about him, he loved his coffee and pie, his car was his most prized possession. The way his freckles cascaded down his nose and the intense green his eyes could get, the little scar just beneath his hairline from the accident. All physical things, she still didn’t know his dads name or what he did for a living where he lived before the accident, he always closed down when those subjects came up, change the topic or make a joke and walk away. She needed to know more about him. If their relationship or whatever it is that they had, have any change of being real and surviving he had to open up a bit more. Was the Dean she knew up to this point who he was or was it all an act and the rude inpatient guy from this afternoon was the real Dean Winchester. Haley let her head fall into hands and pushed her hands through her hair. She jumped and let out a squeal when someone touched her shoulder.


The clocks ticking was the only sound that echoed through the room as the seconds ticket by into minutes. Dean stood up and paced again looking up at the clock against the wall for what seemed like the thousandth time just to see that only a minute had past. A thought suddenly entered his mind and Dean rushed through the apartment, looking at all the windows and rooms for anything suspicious but nothing stood out. Dean roughly paged through the newspaper before switching the laptop on and whisking through his normal sites. This is normally Sam’s job, looking for suspicious occurrences, but seeing as he’s probably on the other side of the country his limited computer search knowledge would have to do.  No red flags around Tree Hill showed up and Dean disappointedly slouched back into his chair. He had no idea where to start looking for Haley, he barely knew the town and if he had to drive around looking for her he’d only get lost. Not caring about getting lost Dean grabbed the keys from the counter and flung the door open.


Sam drove through the gates of Singer Auto Salvage with a sigh. He drove nonstop to get to Bobby’s place hoping to get there before his father to get some shut eye. The familiar black truck that belonged to his dad wasn’t in sight and it cheered Sam up a bit. He stopped next to the house and got out, stretching when his feet touched the ground. The back light went on signalling Sam where to enter the house. He grabbed his phone and duffle before running up the stairs two at a time.

Bobby was at the desk in the dining room paging through some books. He looked up when Sam fell down on the nearby couch

“Hi Bobby” Sam greeted tiredly

“HI, you look like crap” Bobby commented

“Thanks, I feel like crap. I’ve barely slept in four days.” Sam said letting his head fall back against the cushion of the couch

“It’s good to see you boy” Bobby announced after a short silence. Sam turned his head to look at Bobby

“You too” Bobby was like a second father to him and Dean. When times got rough they knew they could always count on Bobby.

“John won’t be here for another few hours, why don’t you go get cleaned up and rest your eyes for a bit. I’ll come get you when he comes in.” Bobby suggested seeing the exhaustion in Sam’s features

“Thanks Bobby” Sam nodded disappearing up the stairs with his duffle bag in tow.


Haley relaxed as soon as she recognised the person standing beside her

“You scared me” she said holding her hand over her heart

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to” he said sitting down next to her

“What are you doing here?” she asked after a short silence

“I went for a walk and saw you sitting here, thought I’d come say hi” he answered not looking at her

“Nathan?” Haley said with a raised eyebrow

“Okay, Keith called, said something happened between you and Dean and you disappeared. This is where you come to think so I thought I’ll give it a try. Dean’s worried by the way” Nathan confessed. Haley just nodded at the statement

“Wanna talk about it?” Nathan asked when Haley didn’t say anything. “What happened Hales?” Haley turned to look at Nathan for a second before turning back towards the water. She let out a sigh before talking

“Dean’s brother called today . . .” she trailed of

“That’s good right?”

“Yeah he didn’t say anything tough and I think that frustrated Dean. His mood changed instantly and when he got hurt he was so . . . different. He wanted me to stitch him up and when I wouldn’t he exploded and walked off. I was so surprised that I just walked.” Haley explained. Nathan listened but didn’t say anything

“I realised today that I know nothing personal about him. We’ve spend so much time together over the last few months and we’ve become close but today I saw a stranger.” She continued

“Hales that happens to all of us. Luke’s my brother and sometimes he does things and I can’t believe he’s the same person. We are all like that. Some situations bring out the worst in us. Clearly that’s what happened with Dean today but he’s not a bad guy.” Haley looked at Nathan with a frown and he continued

“Don’t look so surprised. You light up when he’s around; you smile like you haven’t in years. The sparkle in your eye and the bounce in your step are back. And that’s all because of him. You’re happy for the first time in a long time Hales, don’t let one bad moment ruin a good thing, because that’s what you have Hales.” Nathan continued. Hale smiled at his comments and nodded in realisation that he was right.

“Come let me walk you home before Dean calls the police and coast guard” Nathan joked taking her hand and pulling her from the bench.


Sam rolled onto his back, opening his eyes he waited for it to adjust to the dark room. His body was still aching but at least he got some sleep who knows how long it will be before he could do that again. He heard the deep hum of voices coming from downstairs; Sam swung his legs from the bed and stood up. Not putting his shoes on Sam walked down the stairs, stopping at the bottom when he recognised his father’s voice

“Have you found anything yet?” Sam heard his father’s voice

“Nothing of much use” Bobby replied

“Damn Bobby, this things not gonna stay away forever.” John replied with a sigh

“Don’t you think it’s time to get into contact with Dean then? He’s a good hunter John and he needs to know” Bobby dared

“NO, it’s better for him to stay put for now. We haven’t made contact for a reason. I want him to stay out of this” John replied almost frantic.

“There’s something you’re not telling Dad, what is it? Why can’t Dean be a part of this hunt?” Sam finally spoke from behind them.

“Sam!” John tried but Sam who stepped closer didn’t budge

“NO, you’ve gone out of your way to keep Dean out of this, why?” Sam pushed. He studied Johns face for a moment before he continued

“This thing’s after Dean isn’t it. That’s why you want him to stay there. They don’t know where he is” Sam revealed in realisation. John sank down on the nearest chair and ran his hands through his hair before looking up, gazing between Sam and Bobby

“I think it’s time you tell him John” Bobby suggested and John took a deep breath before speaking

“I first noticed the demon following Dean a few months before his accident. At first I thought it was a coincidence but then I deliberately sent you boys to all corners and far out hunts to see if it would follow  . . . and it did. I wasn’t sure which one of you it was after that’s why I split you up. And it followed Dean. But I never really knew why. Then he had the accident and all traces of the demon disappeared. I want to have a solid plan before contacting Dean” John revealed. Sam stared at him in shock. He could feel a nauseating feeling brewing in his stomach.

“Do you know now what it wants with Dean?” Sam stuttered out. John threw Sam a glance before looking down at his hands

“Yeah” he answered softly with a nod.


Dean flung the door open and stopped instantly in the doorway. His eyes studied the person in front of him and then at the person standing behind her.

“Hi” Dean finally got out

“Hi” Haley answered then turned to Nathan “Thanks for walking me home Nate”

“No problem” Nathan answered leaning down and placing a kiss on Haley’s cheek, with a wave to Dean he left. Haley walked past Dean and into the apartment then took her shoes of. Dean watched her and when she walked to the kitchen area he finally spoke

“Hales, about this afternoon I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have taken my bad mood out on you. And if I scared you . . .” Dean trailed off. Haley watched him as he talked she could see he was sincerely sorry

“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have taken off.” She looked down at the glass in her hand “But we do have things to talk about, if this thing we have is gonne work we have to trust each other and talk things out” she continued

“I know . . . I’m not a big sharer. Sam usually knew when to push and when to let go but I want us to be able to talk about things to.” Dean confessed

“So no more dodging certain subjects?” Haley dared. Dean looked at her for a second studied her then nodded

“Okay” He walked around the counter and hugged her to him. Dean placed a kiss in her hair before standing back holding onto her shoulders, his eyes connected with hers and Haley felt her heart skip a beat

“Don’t ever do that again” he softly warned and Haley nodded not looking away. Not breaking eye contact, they studied each other; Dean inched closer and moved his hand to cup her face. Moving closer to one another Haley instinctively licked over her lips, Dean’s eyes moved down to Haley’s awaiting mouth before closing the gap and covering her mouth with his. Haley placed her arms around Dean’s neck and moved up wanting more of him. Dean moved his arm around her wasting bringing her even closer against him. Haley could feel the heat of his body against hers; she softly nibbled on Dean’s lower lip making him groan then opened her mouth giving him more access. Not breaking the heated kiss Dean lifted Haley from the ground and placed her on the counter behind them. Haley’s hands immediately began to unbutton the few buttons on Dean’s shirt, pushing it from his shoulders then tugged at the seam of his T-shirt. Dean stood back and helped her to get rid of his shirt. Their mouths connected again, both franticly wanting moreof the other. Dean’s hand travelled up Haley’s slender leg, pushing the fabric of her dress higher as he went.

“Dean?” Haley managed

“Mmm?” Dean answered trough placing kisses down her neck

“Let’s move this to someplace more comfortable” Dean looked at her for a second before taking her hand and leading her down the hall


dean/haley, fanfiction

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