[Fic] Instructions - Dean and himself, Mary, Sam, 9x18 "Meta Fiction" tag

May 09, 2014 09:27

Title: Instructions
Genre: gen, lowkey horror-H/C-fabulism
Characters: Dean and himself; Mary, sort of; Sam, sort of
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1350
Summary: Dean, caught in a maelstrom. A list of instructions on how to get through the night. 9x18 "Meta Fiction" tag.
Notes: Written for juppschmitz's prompt at the Dean-centric S9 comment!meme.

1. Find the norco on the table. Use as directed. In the absence of direction--e.g. if you've found it on the kitchen table and its owner, that is, the name on the bottle, that is, the owner of the fake name on the bottle, is nowhere to be found--improvise.
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