Title: Last Resort
dreamsofspike Beta:
choose2live Spoilers: AU from “Goodbye Stranger”; no spoilers after “The Great Escapist”
Pairing: Sam/Dean/Cas in all possible combinations; story centers around Dean/Cas relationship, but mostly friendship; lots of Sam/Dean and Sam/Cas, as well
Rating: R
Warnings/Content Notice: graphic torture/violence, non-con elements (see Spoiler cut for more details), hurt/comfort, Wincest; beloved characters, in character (hopefully), but still doing some possibly very hard-to-read things
Words: Whole Story, 31,173; Chapter, 3700
Disclaimer: No recognizable characters are mine; not for money, just for fun ;)
Summary: After Castiel disappears with the angel tablet, the Winchesters receive some very upsetting news. It seems that once again, Cas has fallen in with the wrong side, and is part of a plan that will end with the end of the world. The clock is ticking, and there’s only a few short days to stop this dangerous plan from reaching its conclusion. But getting Cas to admit what he’s doing and stop the course he’s on may take Dean down a path he swore he’d never go down again, and leave Team Free Will shattered, even if the rest of the world is saved.
Previous Chapters A distant part of Sam’s mind was aware that his clothes were going to be forever stained with the blood and ash from Cas’s burnt wings and broken body.
But Dean was already covered in it, Sam thought as a cold ache settled in his chest. It was only right that he should be as well.