Title: My Pillar of Light in a World Full of Darkness (1/2)
deamsgirl Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, Dark!fic, Evil!Sam and Dean, Slash, First time
Warnings: Wincest, DARK FIC, Torture, Non/con
Summary: Sam has been trying to hold on to his humanity, clinging to Dean to keep himself from painting the world red. But how is he supposed to keep fighting when he realizes Dean has the same darkness eating away at him? Evil!Sam, eventual Evil!Dean. Spoilers for: 4.11 "Family Remains"
A/N: This is un-beta'd, so all mistakes are my own. As the warnings say, this is a dark!fic, so consider yourself warned.
Sam wanted to burrow inside of Dean until he could hear nothing past his brother's heartbeat thrumming all around him...)