It's not supposed to work like this.

Apr 11, 2010 11:07

Yesterday was "Get Stuff Around the House DONE!" day. Well, it was supposed to be anyway. I got the new tire for my cat, all the light bulbs that had burned out changed, salt in the water softener, and then started on the carpet. I had gone out and gotten resolve and spread that on the carpet, play Mario WII until it dried and then tried to vacuum it up. *Huge* white dust cloud. Huge. I chalked it up to crappy product. When I noticed that the there was stuff being *Deposited* on the carpet from the vacuum cleaner, that's when I finally realized something was wrong. So we take the hose and head off and the metal part of the vacuum hose thing is clogged. Fortunately for me I have this thing that I'm supposed to use to clean the dryer vent. It's this snake like pipe cleaner thing. I start to shove that down the hose and low and behold dislodge not one, but two markers. (Oh yeah, the last time we had the vacuum out The Zweeble took it apart and put markers in it... now I remember!) For good measure I stuff the pipe cleaner thing up the actual hose as far as it will go too, but nothing comes out.

We'll the hose the big metal part that attaches to the head, is clear, there shouldn't be any more problems. Except there is. Same thing. So this time I figure, the bag must be full, what else *could* it be? So I go to the store and get a new bag for the vacuum. On the way home from the store I think, "Cleaning the carpet shouldn't take longer than you expect! There shouldn't be any surprises when you vacuum! AH! But this is the thinking of a person that live in PlainandSimpleville, not a person that live in MyLifeIsChaosBecauseILiveWithAnAlmostThreeYearOld!"

When I go to replace the bag I notice the bag in the vacuum isn't all that full. Hm. Start it up, same problem. I once again disassemble the vacuum and low and behold, the metal part of the hose is blocked AGAIN! No problem, I've done this before. And, yes, I *have* done this before, two more marker come out. Two more! The only thing I can think is that I dislodges then without removing them from the hose and when I put everything back together the first time, the markers went back into the metal part of the hose.

This morning I go to mow the lawn... and wait just long enough before I get started that it starts raining. Yep. I'm going to read comic books. 
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