Jul 17, 2002 14:55
Ok, I officially hate being unemployed. Ok, I officially hated it a long time ago... but just felt like venting today. Nothing makes me feel quite as worthless as not being able to find a job. Makes me wonder what I have been doing for the last 12 years, as my computer experience seems to be worthless to any employers. Ok, got that out of my system. :)
On the plus side... my friends are helping to keep me busy. Moved a king and a queen sized bed yesterday... and have 2 different friends trying to get me to come over and setup their computers today... at least it keeps me busy and not moping around feeling like a true loser. Just wish it payed :)
That is all I can come up with for now... don't expect these to be regular updates ;-)
- John
P.S. Are clocktowers and Dragonov's against the COC?