..the CreW..

Nov 20, 2004 14:15

Well, last night was pretty ok night.

I had some fun w/ Jason (mwoah) and ZackPack.  As always.  We didn't know where to go so we went to the County Park..which was random and pointless..not to mention a waste of gas...good ... nice... gas..GOD! bah humbug. lol

none the less...mi madre wanted me home by 1030..then that changed to 10..so I was at shawn's uncles and we had to devise a plan of action
  • Plan: me with Sarah and T-unit.
  • time it took to devise this plan: 3 seconds
  • time it took to carry OUT this plan: 25 minutes

hells yea. lol.

It was just a bunch of confusion..i jus' remmeber being lifted by the arms and jamme din jason's truck...then yelling..then home..then i was at the movie gallery parking lot.

from there i can say what happened.

we had alot of fun there i guess..however much fun u can have by simply sitting in a parking lot talking to all your good friends.  it seems pointless..but there was really nothing else to do. really..honestly..no joke.

ne ways..then we parted our ways at 11 and proceeded in going to Sarahs where we watched Mean Girls..which was an ok movie..I liked that artsy girl..don't remember her name though...she seemed fun.

and now i am home.

but -- i must say however that before that..it was me, Fifen [Jason Feef haha], and Jeff in Wal-Mart..

jus' imagine..me, jason, jeff, and a lobster..ooo the possibilities.

^^^ this was also tons of crazy mad cool fun^^^

so thanks everyone..for making friday night nice and pleasant. :-)

I love you <3
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