Nov 28, 2005 07:26
it was 3 in tha morning and for some odd reason i can't sleep worth ne thing.
i ended up watching breakfast club. i love it so.
"why should he get up? if he gets up- we'll all get up! IT'LL BE ANARCHY!"
he's my favorite. :).
actually- i kinda do know why i was up. it was you. but nothing happy. just. how i wish i wasn't up at 3 in the morning thinking about you. how all of this has played together and played out. it is high friggin time i stop thinking about you. why are you always here?
you were right fife, we are bad at distance.
phone calls are bad now i guess.
call= talk
care=up all hours of the god forsaken night thinking.
im doing well for myself now. why give up in one moment of weakness?
i have one good thing going for me right now? right? right?!?
actually, i think it is good. but i do know that after this weekend. i may have to attack another part of the situation. the part where it is not mutual. i should hope not. being back in the pool isn't good for me.
i have no "game"
it would require dating skill..and i am pretty much shootin' blanks w/ that skill.
i am just trying to waste time until about 735 when i need to laeve for school.
ooh, good video.
love you.