(no subject)

Jan 28, 2006 11:04

1st week of classes over. oh Lord its going to be a long semester.

stressed? stressed doesnt begin to cover it. between the crap going on at work, and the 35 hour weeks, and the papers due, and the fact that im really tired of being my father's keeper, i all but went off the deep end yesterday.

but, lucky for me i quite possibley have the best boyfriend ever. because despite my incessant rambling and practically scrubbing the patterns off our plates, he just listened. just listened. and that's all i needed.

and i cant really explain why, because the logic is beyond me, but we work. and im happier than i ever thought possible. and im utterly, unbelievabley content doing nothing more than curling up on the couch and falling asleep in his arms.
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