(no subject)

May 22, 2006 09:40

sure. lets update. just for ha ha's. being as its been 2 months.

lets see. im out of school for the summer. which i am terribley excited about. havent actually slept in yet, but thats all sure to change soon. i spend most of my time at work or over luigi's. but 'tis to be expected.

work suckeths. but oh well. my dml was officially up on the 13th, so im pretty stoked about that. i believe i'll definitely stick out the summer at east longmeadow, but me thinks things might get terribley blah come the beginning of the semester. specifically the fact that we're losing just about all the night head cashiers in one way or another, and ive heard nothing about replacing them. so i might try to find someplace to goooo, which i know i've said before, but being as luigi's leaving and kyle might be working in grocery for a little while, things have never been so ideal for me to be trained if they really wanted to. so. we shall see, like i said, what next semester holds.

but anyhoos. so far my summer has consisted of avoiding pappy quite alot. which is getting on my nerves. alot. because i would really like to enjoy this summer and not be his little transport. but whatever.

luigi and i are almost at our 8 month anniversary. just another week. crazy? yes i think so. but frankly i'd rather just get over this working complete opposite shifts all the friggin time.

so kids. thats my brief update for now. perhaps in another 2 months i'll post again. or should anything interesting happen and whatnot.

bye now.
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