Revenge of the Movie Franchises i.e. POTC 4 & X-Men: First Class

Jun 04, 2011 16:02

Mm, tea. Good in any weather, but particularly appreciated in winter. I hate the cold. (I think it got down to about 11 degrees this morning? I would not survive in an actual cold climate.)

Saw X-Man: First Class last night and POTC 4 last weekend. POTC 4 is more or less as advertised, i.e. loads of Jack being Jack. Which is what most people are buying the ticket for, so that works, I guess. It could have done with less padding, though. What was all that with the missionary and the mermaid? That was funny, but not really intended as such, I suspect.

X-Men: FC had the usual Hollywood issues (specifically its treatment of POC characters and to a lesser extent, its female characters, same old thing as always) and felt a little like it was trying to pack three movies into one at some points, but the central Charles and Erik dynamic was decent. (Though I tend to be a sucker for that type of plot anyway, so may not be the best judge of such things.) Wish they'd allowed Xavier a few more acknowledged flaws, but, well, it's McAvoy. I can't complain too much. It would have been nice for the movie to at least acknowledge that he has a few advantages when it comes to optimism, though, what with being an affluent white male whose difference is a) invisible and b) a source of virtually irresistible power over others. *mutters*

I keep seeing Camelot pop up and being tempted to watch, but I hear it's not very good, and I've subjected myself to enough bad Arthurian adaptations in the past. *sigh*

ugh winter, tv, films

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