Dracula the love-fest & thoughts on Thor

Apr 23, 2011 16:42

Reader on bookfails is not impressed with Dracula. The comments are wonderfully dead on. Probably a big part of why Dracula is less than thrilling for a modern reader is because so much of its horror was encoded in the sexual subtext, which flies straight over the head today. It does have some frankly alarming blood transfusions scenes in it, though. Medicine at the time - possibly not that far off vampiricism.

(Wuthering Heights is one of the most horrendously misrepresented classics, IMO. Go into that expecting a tale of high romance and you're in for a surprise. Also, the phonetic spelling will make you want to stab out your eyes, but that's another point entirely.)

Saw Thor today. Went for 2D, because 3D glasses? Not that comfortable over normal glasses. And - disclaimer: my familiarity with Norse mythology is nowhere near what I'd like it to be and I know nothing about the Marvel series - it was actually fairly decent for the most part. I tend to see any version of Thor-the-character a bit of a pillock - I blame Douglas Adams for that - and he didn't do anything much for me here, redemptive arc or no. Loki was awesome, though. (Loki fangirl? Not me.)

spammy because i'm bored, books books books, films

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