Conspiracy time?

Apr 06, 2011 20:28

Russian bloggers accuse authorities of cyberwar / State Blamed in LiveJournal Attack

Hmmm. *readies tinhat*

How is it you keep going down EXACTLY when I'm trying to post or comment anyway, LJ?


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gabri_jade April 15 2011, 10:11:45 UTC
Poor emo LJ. It's indecisive. :P

I have seen the first two episodes thus far, but now I may watch the third before whichever Doctor Who episode was next in my queue. And I'm really not sure that it's possible to oversell this series. It would have to nosedive really drastically to truly spoil itself.

Ten and Arthur bonding over tea would make one heck of a fanfic. How susceptible to dares are you, my dear? O:-) Whichever redheaded actor who eventually gets to be the Doctor's first ginger incarnation will have a lot to live up to. :P

I watched Blink at night, too. And then I did the same with The Empty Child. Because apparently I don't learn. :P

It's like they pump the whole cast up with adrenaline before each and every episode. Except our dear Jamie, who's only marginally more energetic than a coma patient. And thank heaven for that, because the show would be intolerable without a straight man, regardless of the number of explosions. I'm very fond of Jamie and his ability to go whole episodes without cracking a smile while everyone else is whooping and jumping around. :P

I've never cared for plain jelly beans much. Jelly Bellies are much better. I don't know how they get the flavors so accurate, though. It might be magic. :O


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