
Nov 30, 2010 15:30

I'm really bored. Which is largely my own fault, because I can't really be bothered doing anything and am instead wasting time clicking around the web randomly and not finding anything of interest. Feed my laziness, internet! *sigh ( Read more... )

rants, blah, rambling

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deaka November 30 2010, 08:54:59 UTC
Someone else probably remembers better than me, but I think it was hacked in a way that didn't make it an attack site but rather made it look like an attack site to Google. I guess the same thing happened again. I got through to Comms and they say they've fixed whatever was wrong and are just waiting for Google to crawl the site again and realize the changes.

Ah, that makes sense. Of all the places to hack, though...

Oh, how I envy you. I'm so very sick of America's celebrity culture. I'm sorry we're inflicting Oprah on you.

Ha, it's okay, Australia has somehow managed to inflict a few celebrities on the US over the years. I think Australia in general is usually fairly meh over its celebrities which makes it really embarrassing when the media goes crazy over some visiting b-grade celebrity. Or Oprah. *sigh*

OMG THAT IS SO EXCITING. You'll have to tell me what you think! And prod me if you come across anything confusing, although you seem to have a pretty good grasp of the basic mythos. :D

I'm soooo behind on PMs, but of course TFN is down when I actually have a couple of days off work. I will reply to you eventually, really. :p


gabri_jade December 2 2010, 08:44:04 UTC
I remember Kylie Minogue being really popular here for a while. And being meh on celebrities sounds pretty nice to me. They're practically worshiped over here. And we don't have high standards as to who becomes a "celebrity," either. Oh no, no we do not.

I shall! :D And it is deeply reassuring to have someone I can ask questions of, let me tell you. I am coming to this fandom just a leetle bit late. :P (I have a mental image of buying ThinkGeek's "you never forget your first doctor" shirt and, upon being asked by any fellow geeks just who was my first doctor, replying, "Matt Smith. Late bloomer here." :P )

Ha, it always works that way. :P Don't worry about it! Obviously I always want to hear from you, but I totally understand being busy. As long as you post on LJ once in a while so I know you're alive, it's cool. :P


deaka December 4 2010, 10:25:11 UTC
Ha, I had no idea about Kylie Minogue making it over there. Oh dear. :p

That's a pretty awesome shirt. Eh, nothing wrong with coming late to the party, and series five is a good place to come in - new Doctor, new showrunner, slightly different feel to the series. No baggage! (Um, apart from the forty-odd years of canon, but that really does take care of itself much more easily than you'd think.) And Matt Smith is wonderful, too, which helps.

I plan to get onto that PM asap. :p Have to fill you in on the backstory to the Daleks, for one thing - there's a Dalek ep among the first few in series five, so it's vital information!


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