surprise! new prime minister

Jun 24, 2010 22:08

.... should Julia Gillard be fitted out in ninja gear or something? I had thought that the whole thing was a storm in a teacup, given how badly Howard polled before a few of his landslides, but, erm, so much for that. What are the odds that the preemptiveness of Rudd's ousting might backfire for Labor? And Gillard? Abbott's unlikely to achieve mass appeal without a personality transplant, but this is definitely the kind of messy that it's better to avoid.

Watching S2 of Farscape at the moment. I always feel as though I could really like the show, given the chance, but it doesn't quite click. I think it has something to do with never actually managing to see it in its correct order -- because, oddly, it's one of those shows you have to put some effort into, despite the initial light vibe of a lot of the episodes. (But Aeryn Sun? How awesome is she?) And how strange is it to hear all those Australian accents?


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