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Aug 07, 2009 11:12

Anakin Solo Resurrected?

I laughed when I saw this, because oh, Denning, no. Flow-walking is and always has been a ridiculously stupid contrivance, but even its elastic plausibility couldn't stretch to the believable resurrection of a character. And - seriously? Make it positive? You subvert everything decent about Jacen's character, turn him into a villain half the galaxy mocks, and then have his family hunt him down and murder him without the slightest qualm -- but hey, everyone, we'll give you back the perfect Solo offspring, so everything's all right now?

I'm wary of the way Anakin's taken on saintlike proportions in the Cult of Anakin sections of fandom, and of the way he was written before his death as being occasionally more awesome than everyone just because, but I liked him and was saddened by his death. That doesn't mean I want to see it undone. Anakin's death was possibly the only major character death of the EU that actually was powerful and had a semblance of impact and meaning, so to undo that would just putting the final nail in any hope that the NJO had any point whatsoever. It would have essentially been a giant 'Screw you all' from Del Ray, proof that the only overreaching theme or emotional continuity to the EU is to sell books. Who cares about the characters or the universe, you know?

Do you think if they went ahead with this -- and notice Denning's reason for why they didn't is the 'can of worms' it would open, not the fact it was stupid and would have been narratively wrong -- they'd also reverse Mara's laughably meaningless death at some point down the line? Maybe they could kill off a couple of other characters and then bring her back as a consolation prize. Yayzors.

jacen solo, anakin solo, eu, lotf

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