Kung Fu Panda! and more Doctor Who

Jul 09, 2008 20:52

Saw Kung Fu Panda today. It was - not too bad, but had the kind of issues with cultural stereotypes you'd expect (the only character with a strong accent runs a noodle shop, a villain whose appearance seemed to be based along the same lines as the Mongols in Mulan) and a kind of bizarre set-up for the villain, where apparently it's okay for the good guys to chain bad guys up in a basement and taunt them for twenty years. No wonder he's mad. o.O

And moving on (or back) to Doctor Who, I've been reading finale fic, and, as always with fix-it fics, it's an interesting endeavour. Some are great, but others - erm, not so much. I'm finding a few where Donna gets her memory back, has a meltdown and then, when the Doctor comes to fix it, chooses to die rather than have the memories erased. To me, that scenario is... well, a little disturbing. Yes, she was resisting the memory erasure in the episode, but I don't believe that Donna, being who she is, would opt to die rather than lose her memory of the Doctor when she could continue to live with the hope that something might change or improve. And while I don't like seeing all her growth over the last few years lost, I object to the implication that she cannot possibly grow and be brilliant without the Doctor there as an impetus. Donna is pretty awesome all on her own, and I still think she can go far. (It would have been nice to see this acknowledged in the episode a little more, but eh, what can you do?)

Mini-rant done. :p And, all that said, there are some really, really good follow-up fics out there.

doctor who, meta

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