In the 4077th...

May 12, 2008 19:32

I've been watching M*A*S*H on DVD, and it is bizarre how different the show is without the laughter track. I'm used to seeing it as reruns on TV, where turning the laughter off isn't an option. Watching it without that is like... a different show. Bleaker, I suppose, and oddly, I actually find myself feeling more sympathy for Frank Burns. Some of the jokes that Hawkeye and BJ (currently watching season 4, so no Trapper John) inflict on him kind of aren't that funny. He is a bigot and an idiot and not a very good doctor, but there are times when his yearning to be accepted by Hawkeye and BJ is just painful to watch. At least Charles Winchester could match wits with them (and was a much more rounded character, in all, but that probably reflects the change in tone the show around the time he came on board).

I'll stop rambling now. *g* Oh, and I have some recs!

SG-1: Walked right out of the machinery, by rydra-wong, an AU of season six centered around Jack O'Neill. This story absolutely amazed me - if you're even mildly familiar with SG-1, read it, because it is that good.

Doctor Who: The Boy Who Killed Time (The Last Love Song Remix) by rosa_acicularis, for remixredux08 (original story The Boy Who Killed Time by netgirl_y2k) - just an amazing take on the Doctor and his companions, and the effects of the Time War. Not a happy fic, though.

Star Wars: Nearly There by gabri-jade - as if this needs reccing from me. :p It's wonderfully written, and everyone must read it. Perfect Luke and Mara.

Desert Glass by penknife for remixredux08 (original story From a Certain Point of View by imadra_blue) - I'm liking the Obi-Wan on Tatooine fics at the moment, and this one is excellent, with really good Obi-Wan POV.

rec, meta, recs

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