Doctor Who

Apr 20, 2008 13:51

I liked it overall, but there were a few off notes and it somehow wasn't as engaging as it should have been. There were some dodgy race issues there, what with only characters who weren't white turning out to be a psychotic guard and a PR woman with no conscience. Both of whom are dead by the episode's end. Somewhat problematic.

The prattling on about how wonderful alien worlds are at the beginning was... meh. I can see how Donna is excited, but from a viewer's perspective, it's like, yes, another alien world, how wonderful and strange for you, WE KNOW. However I liked her compassion for the Ood and her horror at the slavery and ignorance still in existence. Wanting to go home was maybe a little over the top, and the Doctor made a good response with his point about child labour, but then Donna also made a good point about whether he's dragging humans around just to point out how uncivilized they are and feel superior. Also, thank you Doctor for acknowledging that you owe the Ood after letting them die in the Satan Pit. The handwaving of the slavery in that episode did annoy me.

The Ood's song was all wrong, IMO. I get what was aimed for, but why oh why would an alien species have as their telepathic song something out of an opera, sung with, you know, human voices? They don't appear to speak without the translation spheres, which they didn't have until humans subjugated them, so why would their natural song sound so human? Natural sounds woven into music I could understand.

I did think that the part with the Doctor sharing the Ood song with Donna was nicely played. Although, what was with the Doctor's "I always hear it" or whatever that line was? Um, I don't think you did before you walked into the warehouse, so stop trying to be emo, Ten.

The ending was a little overplayed. Yes, the Doctor and Donna did a good thing, but they were already canonised last week, so let's not overdo it with the gratitude, huh? The Ood sort of did most of the work themselves, anyway.

Otherwise there was much goodness. Donna's on the ball, and I like that, and she doesn't let the Doctor steamroll her or speak down to her. Mostly. And the Doctor should be running around freeing slaves and so on. *nods approvingly*

Martha next week! And UNIT! :D

doctor who

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