Icon meme and uni stuff

Apr 04, 2008 21:58

It's a little late, but - Icon Meme, as tagged by lotusflower85:

1. Reply that you wish to take part, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee!

I'm a bit allergic to squee, but I do like the pretteh, so here goes. :p

Ten & Martha - The Doctor and Martha, shot taken, I think, from the promo pics for last season's Lazarus. There was some nice formalwear in that episode, and I'm a sucker for formalwear. :p Plus there's a nice teamy sense to it, which is one of the things I like best about Martha and the Doctor - they really do make a good partnership, but it's not easy.

Tintin (and Snowy) - I love Tintin. I grew up reading Herge's Adventures of Tintin and completely fell in love with the detail and the imagination in every panel. Plus, they're just great stories, with great characters. And Snowy! Best character in the series. Small white terrier he may be, but he's wiser than the lot of them. :p

P&P New - Elizabeth Bennett and Darcy from the 2005 Pride and Prejudice. I love all the versions of P&P, but this one was the first I came across, and I loved that final scene. The colouring was beautiful, and I loved Macfadyen's Darcy. I suspect this may be an unpopular opinion, though? Maybe?

Warriors - Luke and Mara, cover art for the comic adaptation of Dark Force Rising. I like the gritty edge to this pic, the sense that they're in the middle of a firefight. The fact that both characters are fighters, survivors, is one of the things I like most about them. And it's kind of hard to find Luke/Mara pics that aren't overly posed-looking book cover art or dubious fanwork, you know?

Eh. I should be working on the two assignments I have due, but I'm so unmotivated it's not funny. Research is so much work. On the up side, procrastination seems to suit my muse. I've finished a couple of vignettes, though they need some tidying yet. I've missed writing AU vigs. The best part? Minimal research! w00t!

Meanwhile, I am sooo tired. And TFN's Fanfic Resource thread is depressing me. One of these days, I will learn to avoid it when I'm sleep-deprived and inclined to be easily annoyed, even if I'm only lurking. *sigh*
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