Mar 03, 2004 17:43
hey team.
well last night jon eventually came over. we watched "spaced series 2" then went to bed.I couldnt sleep for hours which was f00king annoying cuz i certainly paid for it today.
Had to wake up extra early to get the dreaded 359 bus dum dum dummmmmm.
well we arrived at college and went to media where all we did was watch "good fellas" <3
Though the violence is yucky.
History consisted of not much mostly just watched a video about i fell asleep for a good 1/2 hour.
Then onto archaeology , hmmm the bronze age baby!
bus home i just grabbed a seat to myself and allowed Chino moreno and greg graffin to comfort me, not bad choices.Not bad at all.
Got into town,had 45 minutes to waste popped into WHSmiths to get some magazines for Media. Luckily outside was seb and holly so i dossed with them until i got my bus.
Saw J a few times,we merely waved.
thats my day woohoo