Veritable Fluff

May 24, 2005 00:06

the mysterious blue fluff

One of the veritable differences between my homeland of Singapore and Australia is the presence of this permeatinb Blue Fluff , that can be found in all areas of this dusted , buzzling country. you find it on ever sill, lurking in every corner, crowning your clothes and interacting with your boogers.

The question is, where does it come from? and why blue? Does it come out from their noses?from their mouths? these australians, with their foreign diet and peculiar ways?I've noticed they like smashing glassware on the pavement atunearthly times. That they enjoy asking questions but not listening to the answers.
Or does it come from their thoughts? that there are too much of them in the air, so they condense and fall to the ground, To stagnate in nooks and crannies.and to cloud people's vision. Are they stained blue because of the tears? of the generations to whom this land one owned. but i'd think then, if it was their tears were the ones being cried, the dust would be orange, the pollen of the gold, harsh dessert, with no revieving stigma to light upon.Then from the younger colonials? their sweat and toil was what gave us what we enjoy today. but then...that would be red in colour. the anger, the frustration, the cruelty of the country seeping their blood over thier children's children's children.... so who's tears? this generations?
perhaps. this generation with no element of earth, no oneness with nature, this generation that busy's about their lives, with no time to explore hiddern corners. to clear out dusty old rooms...they've lost things. and blue , is a lost colour.
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