Kansas City for New Year's Eve - I highly recommend it. I'll most more about my week there later (aka "Chad & Janet's KC/NYE Vacation", also known as "PARTY LIKE A MOTHERFUCKIN' ROCK STAR!"), but for now, he's a shot of my latest tattoo gotten on the last day of one of the worst years of my life.
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good times, good times.
Also; who is this Janet person?
Janet is a friend of mine who came with me to KC. Remember Lisa (whom should be forever referred to from now on as "That heartless bitch")? They're best friends. It's a long story I don't want to get into right now, but if you go deeper into my LJ, you'll see a lot about Janet in there.
You ever notice that women are always bitching about how all guys just want "one thing" and can never be honest, but then when they find a guy who just treats them with respect and always tells them the truth as a friend, they can't wait to treat them like shit and blame them for every stupid choice they make and hate them for being honest with 'em?
Eh, maybe it's just me.
go figure.
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