i'm going to miss you so much, man.

Feb 23, 2007 16:07

2005-11-11 01:00 pm UTC (link)
get those toilet papering mother fuckers, id help you get 'em back if i could. I won't be with you physically, but im there in spirit haha.

2005-11-07 04:06 am UTC (link)
thats pretty intense there crhis.. you allright?

2005-10-26 03:01 pm UTC (link)
sorry, but i have to laugh at that, not the pain, but just the way you said it was funny.

2005-10-14 01:08 pm UTC (link)
thats cool

2005-10-06 01:18 pm UTC (link)
your good chris.

2005-10-04 02:05 pm UTC (link)
mouses totaly suck

2005-09-30 01:35 pm UTC (link)
finaly someone tells it how it is.

2005-09-24 10:58 am UTC (link)
your mind is so interesting.

2005-09-16 03:20 pm UTC (link)
highschool is only 4 years of your life, and 2+ of them are done. Going to an art school will help you get a scholarship and entrance into a good university, and then from that will come great career oppourtunities, i feel that highschool is only a fraction of your life. It seems like forever but in reality it is nothing. Going to an art school will benefit your future more then CHS, and if i had the chance i would take it. If you fear you will miss your friends, there is really no way around that, but you will always make more friends, and who says you can't keep in touch with your old ones. I say go for it Chris. you are a truly tallented artist, and i don't see CHS doing anything for your artistic abilities. But yes i agree with her. make your decision, the decision that you think is right for you, don't base it on what others think is right for you.. only you know what is best for you. and chances are later on you will end up regretting your decision either way you choose. Decisions like this are hard, and i don't think im making it any easier on you. I love you chris, think about it, and make a well thought out decision. Look ahead. You have your entire life a head of you. and you can do whatever you want with it.

2005-09-15 04:08 pm UTC (link)
ive seen those videos before, and i do agree with July_Jones or whatever, peta is stupid they show you disgusting things to get you on their side, and it is totaly the wrong way of going about it.

2005-09-12 02:05 pm UTC (link)
whats going on? maybe i can help you out

2005-07-24 11:17 am UTC (link)
thats pretty sweet

2005-04-21 02:15 pm UTC (link)
Love you too!

2006-05-11 04:37 am UTC (link)
haha, right you are

2005-12-18 04:48 pm UTC (link) Select
you do it

2005-12-16 12:55 pm UTC (link) Select
oh man, we have 3 lunches at my school, and lunch is only like 25 min, i remember when i went to poly, we had one lunch, and it was 40 min. and we had 8 min passing periods. here theyre only 5

2005-11-20 05:56 pm UTC (link) Select
i think you know allready, but i feel the same way about a girl, i need to get my mind off of her and back onto my school work.

2005-11-18 09:11 pm UTC (link) Select
i hate that shit, once you think you have a plan thats foolproof, well something happens to get in the way, something that you would have never expected. I was totaly going to ask a girl out, but now my mom says that i can't drive because im not on her insurance plan, but ive been driving for like 6 months now... why didn't she just get that done in the first place, i thought she had done that, but yeah, now i can't take her out on a date because i can't drive, and whatever that really pisses me off, because i can't just wait forever, my chance is probabbly allready up.

2006-02-11 06:55 pm UTC (link)
yeah, they were preffy effin awesome.

2005-10-03 10:42 pm UTC (link)
ha oh man, i sucked back then, i have those videos somewhere on my computer, but im a lot better now.... maybe i should take a new video or something, but i need better movie stuff. and a program to edit them, so they aren't all crappy.



Posted by GUDSMÖRDER! on Friday, June 30, 2006 at 3:07 PM
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2006-02-12 05:38 am UTC (link)
i'm sorry jack.
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