May 20, 2009 00:54
I can't believe another school year has come and is nearly gone now. I already said bye to my preschoolers last week and I miss them a lot this week. The thing I miss the most about having them in my dorm is the fact that they greet me with a huge smile on their faces everyday and their cute hugs. At least they all will be back in the fall (August) when school starts up again, and I can see their sweet faces again.
I've been through a lot this year. I started the year with having another coworker in my dorm and working with her. She taught me a lot about discipline and stuff of that sort. Then the worst thing possible happened- she had a car accident during fall break and that put her out rest of this year (she's recovering nicely and has been coming back to visit a lil bit to volunteer a few hours here and there). But you know what? Sometimes when something bad like that happens, something good comes out of it. That forced me to have to become a leader of the pack in my dorm, and just do my best. In that situation, I have learned to be a stronger RA, and a better one in some ways. I just had my annual evaluation and it brought up a lot to think about. I had not realized that I haven't missed any work days this year (except for maybe just one). Some things that I realized that I need to recommit to, and other things that I know I should try and work on some more. But all in all, it's been a pretty good year. I've seen lots of process/growth in the girls I've worked with. I've gotten to know a few of the staff a bit better this year as well as a result. Then again, one can never be perfect because to be perfect means that life would be so dull and boring.
Here's my rules for me to remember this next year (through the summer and next school year).
1. TAKE CARE of myself (this includes going to the gym and working out any frustrations I may have).
2. Always tell someone (a coworker or a good friend) if I'm feeling too overwhelmed.
3. Teach, discipline when necessary, and good routine works best for the younguns.
4. Oh yeah, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS try to have fun!
It'll be a big change and adjustment next fall when we all return to school. One reason I say that is because my dorm's (not just mine but all of elem dorms) have been relocated to one big building where middle and high school dorms are. We will adjust and get through it. We always do. We make do with what we get.
On that note, I have wonderful exciting summer plans. I'm so ready to start my summer. I start it off with a road trip to Louisiana with Cat for about two weeks! Then when I get back, I'll stick around for a while and have plans with my local people (girls' weekend and a educational conference). After all that, I hope to escape to Virginia to visit my friend Bron (who just had a healthy baby - 6 lbs, 10 oz, 19 inches long girl by the way). Not long after that short vacation (up to 1 week), I'll have to hurry home to go straight up to camp in northern Indiana. Then when I get home, I get to stay home for a week or so before I got a dentist appt to attend and then a trip to Montana is being planned for July 18th. We're heading to Montana for my husband's sister who is getting married. After that trip, we (being both Zach and me) will run away to Louisville, KY to volunteer at MDO for a week. August looks to be the calm before the storm at this time- no plans in effect or anything yet except hang out with Angela and maybe sports camp if I hear back anything about that. Somewhere in all that, I'll make time to read some good books. What are y'alls summer plans for this summer?