Nathaniel and Chad came over today. We watched Snatch, which was good, and we played air hockey and junk.
Nathaniel recorded this lovely piece on my computer, so I figured I would share it for you all.
He calls his solo project Nathaniel Jacobs the Modern Jesus. He didn't name the song so I gave it a working title until he lets me know.
Nathaniel Jacobs the Modern Jesus - Tribute to Chad Right click, Save Target As. Then listen.
I got my wisdom teeth out on Thursday. The drugs made me loopy. I fell asleep laughing and woke up laughing. My mom can tell the story better than I can. Apparently I yelled "HEY MOM I DON'T HAVE TO TRY DRUGS NOW BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE HIGH" and I asked the same questions over and over again being totally serious each time that I asked it. Damn narcotics.
I have to wear this stupid wrap around my head so I can ice my jaw, and ibuprofin and codeine are good friends of mine right now. I'm hoping to be fine by Monday. Ugh.
Garrett said he wants to do it, Chad says he wants to do it, Nathaniel says he wants to do it. So why don't we just get this band thing rolling now? I think I can safely say that Chad and Nathie won't be douches and quit without telling Garrett and I like they did last summer.