May 02, 2005 22:17
+ Prom is going to rock!
- Prom is going to make me broke
+ I still have a car to take me away from this damn house
- I still have a busted car that is going to cost $729 dollars to repair
+ The Ap test was today and I did well on the essays I believe
- The AP test was today and I probaly failed the MCQ
+ I still ahve income from my job
- My job left me today with hurting feet because I only got a 15 minute break and worked 6 hours
+ I still have Coty
- Well not technically
+ I still have family to confort me
- I am lying, I really dont
+Mother day is coming
- I have to lie to my mother and pretend like I love her to peices
+ Progress reports are coming out this means the end is near
- Progress reports are coming out this means I am grounded
That about sums it up and Im sure I have a few more but lewis kicking me off the computer! gotta luv life!