May 05, 2005 11:16
ok so since nobody really cares what I think anyways...........
I got saturday school... for the twenty first... just because I skipped English twice (well 4 times but she only knew about 2) and she caught me skipping history that one time earlier this week... well BLAH to her!!! stupid English Bitch!!! that's her new name... anyways... I should try to at least sound a tad bit intelligent in this mindless rambling session... I fear that my sensational linguistic abilities are far going to waste... I seem to be getting stupider and stupider with each passing day...hell I can't even skip a class correctly...
then this morning, this really irkes me... I was in the cafeteria with Kel Mindy and Wil and I see Brian... ok I ahven't spoken to the kid in a REALLY long while because well, I just dont see him... and well he's wearing eyeliner which is really strange and I decide to go ask him about it... so I walk over to him and he's like totally RUDE to me... like INSANELY rude!!! so I was just like, jokingly "aww you dont love me anymore!!!" and he was just like "yea I don't think anyone ever loved you"
so thats my day and phils calling me so now I'm gone... bye