new ficlet (A View to a Kill) The Dead Zone) for scifiroots

Feb 26, 2008 11:00

Title: A View to a Kill
Fandom: The Dead Zone
Author: karrenia
Rating: PG-13
Recepient: scifiroots
Request Details:

Disclaimer: The Dead Zone belongs to the USA Television Network, Lions Gate Entertainment and it's creator, as do all of the characters who appear here or are mentioned; they are not mine.
Note: The story references events from the 5th season episode "Articles of Faith."
The title was inspired by the Duran Duran song by the same name.

"A View to a Kill" by Karen

One would think that after all this time, after witnessing firsthand and sometimes by proxy through the conduit of his powerful visions that he would not be shocked by very much by now.

Still, while he sat at the counter of a roadside diner his throbbing head cradled in his hands Johnny Smith is puzzled that there are still things that defy the odds.

This time the visions come fast and furious, one scene rapidly blurring one into another sometimes there is a backdrop to the scene, sometimes it is an isolated incident.

In this particular case Johnny saw a pair of teenage boys, one white boy his hair close-cropped close to his head, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, standing over a young Muslim boy lying on the ground, pleading to be left alone, but the beating at the hands of the other goes on and on.

Johnny has seen many different types of crimes, he has seen many tragedies. Some of those tragedies he could prevent through his ability to have foreknowledge of coming events, some crimes he could not, he is not omniscenet, he can't be everywhere at all times.

His gift is both a curse and a blessing. When the vision subsides Johnny places his elbows on the surface of the diner counter and reaches for his water glass.

Bruce sat beside him, his fork frozen in midair, concern and curiousity mingling on his dark expressive face, but leery of whether or not to intervene. He heaves a sigh, knowing that this particular vision was a bad one, and this meant they were most likely about to get mixed up in some messy situation. In the back of his mind, Bruce thought, "Well, why don't you tell me something I don't know. Just another day at the office for us, don't you know?'

Johnny finished his water and swiveled his head around his eyes watering in the aftermath of the
intensity of his powerful vision, and said, "Bruce, old buddy, we're needed."

"I know, I know,'" Bruce whispered back placing one hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"Just point in me in the right direction," Johnny replied. "Let's go."
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