May 23, 2009 23:26
theres this really nice song playing constantly in my mind. i can hear it but it's not really easy to describe in that many words. the area around me is practically dead, cold wind and cars way in the distant are moving. i feel like a multitude of candlabras are floating around me. specks of incandescent light align my overhead.
it's this moment when that song should be not in my head but playing out loud. this feels like a large outdoor cathedral, and many theatres these days have begun to give that affect on me. without the show they are large and empty and the effect is enormous.
i want to walk through the grass with you on my side. i don't want there to be anything in the distance except clouds. it should be dark, and we should walk forever in a desert covered in grass.
im formed and formulated. my final project was exactly what i needed to give me the edge to think more creatively and less technically. make me see how if i really want to realize what i see and feel, the possibilities are endless.
lately i've been thinking about one day starting my own company or business with the goal to look at how things can be created in a new form. i don't know how completely formed that is, but it is something I want to achieve. it's my way of realizing that I won't be branded and stuck into one form of life. Theatre isn't my career path, it's just a piece of me that will carry me along the way. I want to one day create parks not about amusement but that take you away, and give you long lasting imagery that gives you pause. I want to create large landscapes and recreation for the long dead wild silent animal inside of us. I feel that we are all trapped in our own selves, never allowed to roam free in the wild. I want to create that wild that reminds me of the adventure i've always sought.
I want to start an artistic company that crafts worlds for those to move through. I want to create a rival to disneyland. I want to redesign the way themeparks have been looked at and set the bar higher then disney ever could.
I want to create a world that is rid of disney ideas and concepts and give people another world to experience. One that is small and simple at first, but eventually takes over.
I want to work for cirque just to be able to experience a strong creative process where the wheel is reinvented so I can learn and apply those lessons to myself. I want to reinvent the wheel of entertainment design. I want to offer people not an escape, but a mythology and a legend.