The Past 2 Days Have Been The Worst!!

Nov 28, 2006 21:59

Dauber you may be gone but, never forgotten
My pal
My buddy
My couch potato on rainy days
My walking companion
My foot warmer
My sleeping companion when no on was home
My protector
My cookie monster
In Memory of Dauber who has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

The past couple of days have been trying on our family. Especially on me. Sunday night my husband and I had to rush Dauber [my Great Dane] to the emergency vet. I didnt realize how bad he was, we thought he just had a cold. This pains me to re-live this, so please bear with me. Saturday Dauber threw up a couple of times, but, he was still eating, drinking, pooping and peeing, then he started sleeping a lot. So, Sunday, he quit eating drinking, pooping and peeing and doing nothing but sleep his ears, nose and feet turned ice cold! So, I called our vet tech [who is amazing]. She said it sounded like he had an obstuction. And, to bring him in first thing Monday morning. Well, he just got worse when i took him out to pee he fell down, bumped into walls and then he started screaming in pain. So, off to the emergency vet [which by the way the were assholes] they got him hooked on fluids took blood the vet came back and said that he may have what is called "Addison Crisis" [more info here] so they kept him over night and I picked him up 7:00 Monday morning to transfer him to our regular vet, the EM vet told me that Daubers kidneys were failing and she sent me on our way. We get to our reg. vet [which they are the BEST] they get him in and he already has bloody poop, hasnt peed in 28 hours they get him hooked up and give him 2 shots of steroids and fluids to see of he will pee. And, the vet said he did in fact have "Addison Crisis" which is un-curable but, treatable nut, Dauber would be on medication for the rest of his life at $250 a month thats a shot and other pills. But, after a couple of hours Dauber was still unresponsive to all medications his kidneys had failed and the our vet Sam said he was doing nothing but suffering and I had to make the hardest decision of my life but, to have my baby boy put to sleep he would have turned 2 on Dec. 15. I stayed with him untill the end. But, I feel like I failed him! My vet reassured me that it was not my fault and that he has seen 3 other cases of Addison Crisis, but, has never seen hit and affect a dog this fast. They took his foot print for so I can have it tattooed on me. But, the hardest thing is not having him here when i get home from work seeing his empty crate, food dishes, toys and his blanket. I know it's gonna take time, but, now I sit wonder what if....

EDIT: I forgot this little bit. I know it sounds crazy but, as I was holding him and talking to him letting him know how much he meant to and how muh I loved him and how much he will be missed, I felt warmth just come over me from him to me kinda like a light warm breeze. It was amazing!!

dauber, addison crisis

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