Tell Everyone About YourselfTime started::10:29 Basic About you:Name::Meggers beznatch Gender::vahina Height::5'3 Eye color::blueish-grey Hair Color::brownish Age::15 Birthday::4/24/91 Lefty/righty/ambidextrous::righty...almost ambidextrious Piercings::industrial in left Tatoos::none...yet Zodiac Sign::taurus Ring Size::7? Grade::10 More about you:Are you named after anyone?:nope Do you live in the moment?:i try to Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?:depends Do you have any secrets?:uh duh Do you hate yourself?:most of the time Do you like your handwriting?:heck no Do you have any bad habits?:many If you were another person, would you be friends with you?:probably Any regrets?:nah Do you think life has been good so far?:could be better... Are you confident?:sometimes How long does it take you to shower?:20ish minutes What color is your room?:white...bleh Where do you want to attend college?:i dunno yet Do you...?Smoke?:nope Do drugs?:straightedge Drink?:^see above Go to church?:pfffttt Sleep with stuffed animals?:nope Take walks in the rain?:yesh Talk to people even if you hate them?:no Drive?:not yet Believe in premarital sex?:sure Want to get married?:i dunno Want to go to college?:yesh Want to have children?:never Sing in the shower?:every blue moon Get along with you parents?:almost always... Get along with your sibling/s?:pfftt Color/highlight your hair?:yep Like coffee?:yep Wear makeup everytime you go out?:not every time Love roller coasters?:heck no Like to cook?:kinda Have you ever...?Hurt yourself? :not intentionally Been out of the country?:nope Been in love?:nope Done drugs?:nope Gone skinny dipping?:i'm going to when i go to Florida! Had surgery?:nope Played strip poker?:nope Been on stage?:yep Pulled an all nighter?:nope Gone one day without food?:yep Slept all day?:yep Kissed a stranger?:nope Had a dream that came true?:yep Broken the law?:i dunno Stolen anything?:never Been on radio/tv?:nope Been in a mosh-pit?:not yet...not ever Bungee jumped?:fuck no! Had a dream that kept coming back?:nope Gone out of state?:yep Live in other states?:yep Eaten an entire box of oreos?:i don't like oreos Had a movie marathon?:uh duh Spun until you were immensely dizzy?:many times Been on a plane?:yep Ran into a wall?:various times Been rejected by a crush?:far too many times Cried in public?:yep Cried over a movie?:yep Pranked called someone?:yep Gotten a cavity?:nope Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?:heck no Broken a bone?:yep Fallen from a tree?:nope Passed out?:nope Been to a theme park?:yep Eaten sushi?:nope This or ThatPepsi or Coke::coke McDonalds or BUrger King::McDonalds Chocolate or Vanilla::hmm....chocolate Black or White::white Burgers or Hot dogs::burgers Boxers or breifs::boxers Book or magazine::both! TV or radio::tv is the glass half empty or half full::half full sun or moon::moon hot or cold::cold romantic comedy or thriller::both waffles or pancakes::waffles Florida or california::florida? Black and white or color photos::black and white The city, the beach, OR the country::the city Tennis shoes or sandals::tennis shoes Sweet or sour::sweet Private or publie school::public Cappuccino or coffee::both English or history::english Science or math::neither! Do you believe ...?in miracles?:sure? in magic?:yesh in God?:i dunno in Satan?:i dunno in ghosts?:yesh in luck?:yesh in love at first sight?:nope in Santa?:nope in the Easter Bunny?:nope in witches?:nope that it's possible to remain faithful forever?:yesh in wishing on shooting stars?:yesh that cussing is a necessity in life?:FUCK...YES yourself?:on rare occasion Love and all that -Do you consider love a mistake?:no If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you:the normal feeling Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?:uh duh What is worst about the opposite sex?:they're stupid Who and when was your first crush?, when i was 4 First thing you notice about the opposite sex?:hair and clothes Right this moment...What are you wearing?:pajama pants, SOAD hoodie... What are you worried about?:me not getting over Corey..Corey and Crystal going out What book are you reading?:Generation Me What time is it?:10:42 Are you bored?:kinda Are you tired?:very Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?:yep Are you lonely or content?:never content... Are you listening to music, if so then what?:nope...but There's No "I" In Team is stuck in my head... The Last...Dream you had::i can't remember Nightmare::can't remember Time you cried::quite a while agoooo Movie you watched::Matrix Movie you rented::Say Anything Book you read::i forgot... Word you said::goodnight Time you laughed::a few hours ago Person to call you::Melissa CD you played::Taking Back Sunday-Tell All Your Friends Song you listened to::shiet, i forgot... annoyance::my dog whining IM sent or recieved::to Melanie... Time you yelled::just now Person you yelled at::my dog time you were a skirt::during the summer time you fought with your parents::just a little bit ago Time you wished on a shooting star::i've never seen a shooting star.... Thing you ate::taco bell Time you showered::a little while ago Nail polish color worn::white Your favorite:Type of gum::cinammon orbit Restaurant::dunno Season::fall Type of weather::coldish Emotion::happiness Color::green or orange Perfume::i don't like perfume.. Candy::tough one.... Pizza topping::mushrooms Fruit::uber hard choice Veggie::is brocolli a veggie? Type of cake::chocolateee..or ice cream Magazine::AP Magazine TV Show::Degrassi Day of the week::Tuesday Month::October Holiday::Christmas Number::7 Sport to watch::soccer Flower::red roses [so cliched] Finally...Time Finished::10:51
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60 real good oneswhat is in the back seat of your car right now?:i don't have a car... does anyone have any blackmail on you?:probably is there anythong pink within 10 ft. of you?:nope are you wearing socks right now?:nope what was the last thing you had to drink?:kiwi strawberry vitamin water have you bought any clothing items in the last week?:nope when is the last time you ran?:i dunno last persons house you were in?:Mikey's who is the last person you sent a message to on myspace?:i don't have a myspace do you have a tan?:fuck no how many times were you Student of the Month in elementary school?:never how old do you want to be when you have kids?:i'm never having kids how you ever drank your can soda from a straw?:once maybe what are your siblings middle names?:Allan where is your dad right now?:sleeping in his room what was the last thing you said?:shut up where is your mom right now?:sleeping in her room what color is your watch?:i don't have a watch what do you think of when you think of Australia?:kangaroos do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru?:drive-thru...i'm too lazy to walk do you have a roommate?:nope do you have any bad habits?:many do you know anyone name Lori?:nope what color is your moms hair?:brownish what happened to you in 1993?:i dunno does your first memory involve your dad?:nope do you remember singing any songs as kids?:yep when was the last time you went swimming?:last winter has your luggage ever gotten lost?:nope biggest annoyance in your life right this minute - besides this survey?:stupid people, my dog have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar?:heck yes do you like watching a bonfire?:sure? are you allergic to anything?:nope what is one thing you miss about your past?:the simplicity and not caring do you ever get flu shots?:no favorite shoes that you wear all the time?:green chucks what is one thing you've learned about life recently?:relationships are hard are you jealous of anyone?:yes is anyone jealous of you?:fuck if i know if you were a crayon, what colour would you be?:white what does the room you're in look like?:pretty kick-ass what is the weirdest thing about your parents?:they love nascar like it's god...o.0 how many keys are on your keychain?:i don't have a key chain have you ever pranked call 911?:yes! and i got in trouble have you ever been walked in on while you were naked?:half naked.... have you ever set a marshmallow on fire?:yesh have you ever thrown up on an airplane?:nope have you ever made a snow angel?:yesh have you ever burnt yourself?:sorta which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email?:pop-ups rock, paper or scissors?:paper same topping on your vanilla ice cream forever, what is it?:nothing if you had to choose one, which would you give up: tv or internet?:damn.....uhm....*explodes* what kind of lunchbox did you have as a kid?:a purple one with a mini cooler what would you rather have: a housekeeper, a cook or a chauffeur?:a cook what was one of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?:Fluffy what's the last thing you bought?:a cd last thing you got in the mail?:my jacket do you use an umbrella?:nope would you rather be in a long line in a drive-thru or at the grocery store? can entertain yourself with both
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