May 19, 2006 09:45
soo...finals....wooo. failed my French final but somehow i'm still passing with a C. nice right? i know i passed my Comp. Key final that i just got finished taking. god, it was awfully easy. and he gave us a cheat sheet, where's the challenge in that? but then again, i used it a lot so it's a good thing we got it. mmyep. i went over to Melanie and Melissa's yesterday...finished my Algebra review packet...hung out...ate some Korean potatoes. they were yummy. but the spicy ones were better. oh jesus, i'm fucking hungry....*dies* i KNEW i should've eaten breakfast this morning...rawr. i'm going over to Daniella's after school...after i go to Seminar for Algebra with Melissa. Melissa=love. she's so great. but's kinda weird...cause before now, Eboney wouldn't even really talk to Daniella and stuff...but lately she's been all up on her. i'm just like, rawr, back off bliotch. i dislike Eboney. she's a whore and she gets annoying and sounds stupid and rawr. Damioncito is so strange. he wrote all this fruity stuff on a piece of paper and gave it to me today. i swear, that kid is gonna make me cry one day. he's a heartbreaker. hahah. but he says the nicest things and it all makes me smile and he's so silly. god, i love him. i was bummed though cause he's going to Geena's after school. *sadness* speaking of Geena....hahah she's pregnant hahah. Justin's a horny boy. o.0 Damion was freaking out last night on the phone...cause i bought his Panic! At The Disco ticket. he was going insane and it was highly amusing. Damion and Daniella are totally my BESTESTESTEST friends EVER. i love them far too much. they're so great. :) man, i can't wait till Panic!!!!!!!!!! i gotta update my countdown on AIM. it's still at 88 days. haha. me and Ham are procrastinators. we're so damn lazy. omfg, she made this little children's book for Honors English, right? IT'S SO CUTE! haha, i was laughing. it was way cute. oh geeze, PLEASE tell me the clock is wrong....ERG. there's still 30 more minutes of this damn class. and then it's off to English. i noticed something this morning. i write wayy too much in peoples' yearbooks. i could take up a whole page for every one of my friends. i feel so special. there's like...only a tiny white spot left in my yearbook. Damion took it to write his page and then just started writing on it and then i made a few other people sign it and they ran out of room. Jacob had to sign by his picture. haha. he looks like such a geek in the yearbook. like old Hacoboh. [that's his name in spanish...*giggles*] ohhh, i might be able to go on vacation with Daniella and her mommy and whoever else. they're going to this place called Pagosa Springs in New Mehico [i think] and they're gonna stay there for a few days and do things. Daniella's mom LOVES me so she's like, she can come. i'm like, whoot! i'm so gonna be living at Daniella's house and hanging out with her and Damion ALL SUMMER. cause i love them like whoa. i don't think i can go the whole summer without seeing them. <333 i love them far too much. it's not normal. lol. kidding. that kinda sounds creepy. meagan=so.not.creepy. hellz yeah. man, i can't wait till summer. i'm an over-writer. wow. i'm gonna go swimming a lot and Panic! At The Disco and Daniellita and Damioncito and running and yoga!! and pilates!! and MORE BANDS TO LISTEN TO! and SLEEP!!!!!! omfg, i can't fucking wait. *sigh* only 2 more school days. this summer, i'm actually gonna call people...and have conversations. like...people i normally wouldn't call...but i have to be in like, a hyper mood. so there is a guarantee of 0 awkward silence moments. i hate those with a passion. mmyep. :) i was texting people after i was done with my French final...i was bored...and then i found Katie and things. we have a 10 minute passing period so it's cool. we get to walk around and find and hang out with friends until the bell rings or whatever. mmyep. exciting? i saw Autumn!! man i miss that kid! ughhhhh!!! i hope she comes back next year. i will SO cry if she isn't there on the first day of school. i'm wayyyy too hungry. and bored. i'm going now. byeeeeeee.