2009 meme

Jan 01, 2010 17:46

2009 meme
Hello folks, I'm gonna do the end of 2009 meme now. I know most of you won't read it, but those of you who are bored may well do. Also gives me a chance to reflect over the year that was 2009. (The previous answers are still there too, for review kinda purposes).

1.What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?

09 - Reffed @ CP, Wrote and executed plot, A staff party (complete with ginger gnome incident), Set the wheels in motion to run my own event. Sure theres other things that arent LARP related...

08 - Set up crew @ Renewal (And kinda wigan), A gunfest event, went to a re-enactors fayre probably other bits i cant think of now.
07 - Made a suit of Rigid Leather Armor, Bought my own transit van, Did a 'thursday' at renewal. Nothing really earth shattering.
06 - I really cant think of anything.
05 - Many things, Drove to leicster, Made a successful character in LARP, Turfed a lawn.... Nothing majorly exciting springs to mind, but lots of little things.
04 - I really should be able to answer this easily, but i can't think of anything at all... Driving in London central i guess.

2.Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

09 - I don't think i made any. I think as usual i planned to get fitter and healthier and lose some weight, Sadly, As usual too, I didn't do this... But i seriously have to do it this year, its getting stupid.

08 - Hmmm, well the re-envision thing kinda worked a bit. So yeah, I did. I'm not the image of perfection i possibly thought i'd be while writing last years. But i'm good. For 09 I plan to get fitter and healthier.
07 - Same as 06, I didn't make any real ones for 07, there was an 'aim' to get better, and I have suceeded in that, as i'm now off the AD pills. For 08 I'm not really making a new years resolution, more a 'life re-envisioning', I plan to change alot of things about myself that i'm unhappy about, It will take me the year to do it, but when i'm typing this next year I will have done it.
06 - I didn't make any, So i didnt have any to keep.
05 - I kinda did and kinda didn't. I know I was hoping to get a successful night going elsewhere, although it wasn't really a resolution. Nottingham totally bombed though, but then leicster came along rather unexpectedly and has turned out to be that successful night I wanted, Although I hadn't actively gone looking for it. Its really made me very happy and been my major success story of this year. I will be making resolutions for 2006, they will be to work on my physical self, get healthier etc and also to go out and relax more, socialise etc, as it is the only times I mainly went out through 2005 was when i was working, which is kinda crap.
04 - No i didn't sadly, I was determined tooo.... Eat one piece of fruit per day, and goto the gym on a regular basis, sadly i did neither. This leads me to probably not doing any next year as i won't follow them again.

3.Did anyone close to you give birth?

09 - Nope

08 - My friends Mark and Jay both became daddies!
07 - Nope.
06 - Hmmm... Not that I can remember.
05 - Jesus, was that only last year? Errr... No one close to me gave birth.... A girl i know called Jess did... thats about it really.
04 - Tammy my sister in law gave birth to my nephew Reagan.

4.Did anyone close to you die?

09 - Nope

08 - Thankfully not.
07 - No
06 - My dad passed away in March. Hope he's now at peace. Also my Uncle Barry died pretty unexpectadly.
05 - Nope, This year was death free.
04 - My gran did, which was sad :(

5.What countries did you visit?

09 - None again :)

08 - None again :D Northrend doesn't count.
07 - None again :D I've mentioned to Pel before that I think 'travelling' is over hyped.
06 - None.
05 - Still the same answer.
04 - None, I've never been abroad in my life.

6.What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?

09 - I'd like some stabilty and focus in my job again, I'd like a slimmer and healthier body too, one i can feel proud of. I'd like a nice lady too, One with a future, Maybe a sprog on the way too.

08 - A slimmer more muscular frame and some better health.
07 - A loving relationship and motivation and dedication.
06 - A loving relationship, A good state of health.
05 - Still not a whole world away from them above really. Although I think the confidence thing is becoming less of an issue now. I'm also really starting to think that *Girlfriends* are over hyped. (Spoken in true bitterman style ;) )
04 - A girlfriend would be nice, although i can live without for a while longer. Perhaps my own place, and also a truckload of confidence

7.What Events/Dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

09 - Various events @ CP, from building the ruined cathedral to in character stuff where players were following me and treating me like their leader, it was all great fun. Waking up at Renewal to find Kier stood over me ready to smother me with a pillow because i was snoring. Another Renewal incident "Its ok, just no groping below the waist", Although I've yet to take advantage of that :P Me and Mel breaking up, As I was actually stood making the finishing touchs to her awesome drenai kit, I remember putting the phone down and looking at the leather work etc i'd done and thinking 'Well, That was a massive waste of my time'. Chibs letting me feel her boobs, After many years of admiring them.

08 - Talking to mel at the end of wigan, Kissing Mel at Renewal :D, New Years at roadmender was considerably better, The whole Knights of Solkar thing was ace, Gunfest was awesome, late night barracaded in a room with gun while zombies scratched at the doors and windows... amazing! Quitting Leicester, A shrewd move I think :) Queueing with chibs and james to buy lich king, That was fun, The last ever soundhaus Blast Chamber, The way it was packed, everyone chanting my name and cheering for a good 15mins or so,,,,, at me, It was such an amazing moment, very humbling. Novembers guild meet up (november being the guild, not the time of year)
07 - New Years @ Roadmender, It was very different. Hot tubs. Several instances involving Her Greenest court. The other week when eddy was out at the club :)
06 - March, When my dad died, on the same day my nephew celebrated his birthday. As usual theres many memories rather than specific dates like seeing Muse with Chibs, A rainy night at Wigan roleplaying with Rickulf, Beasty revolution, First Fri Up, Rock Free, Arnocorps gig, Leezord Scouting missions in the dark of night, Pissed refs at Soundy.
05 - Once again I can't think of specfic dates.... My first night doing Mosh was great, Poppies reformation gig was amazing. The 2 Polysics gigs will stay too, one with Karl the other with Chibs. The wasteland event for the Cogo-ness of it, The Saturday night sat in the TokiGawa tent at renewal while they fed 'The Leezord' with fried bannanas. Theres also some soppy and personal ones I won't post on here :D
04 - I can't think of specific dates, but some events will forever be put in my mind, From my Gran dieing and the funeral to My first night wandering around nottingham, My meeting with AD in london. The last night i actually saw Holly.

8.What was your biggest achievement of the year?

09 - Getting a daytime job that I enjoy. Ok its hours are sporadic etc, some weeks i work, others i don't, But I enjoy it when it happens and its geared me up well for working 9-5 again. The Lions ref/plot work I did made me proud too.

08 - Meeting such a beautiful girl, Getting over another nerves issue. Garwin, Successfully making a good larp character without a mask etc. The whole Lions thing in general, the help i gave Andy, I felt super useful, like part of a well oiled machine, really made me feel good about myself.  Making the shields for Larp, I am so proud of them.
07 - Getting myself off of the AD tablets, keeping my job/s. Once again making successful and memorable Larp characters, in a successful (although shortlived) group. Like back in 04, Getting good responses to kit I made is always nice :) Wow Raiding has been an achievement too.
06 - My financial status is now secure, Larp is better than ever (Even though my favourite refs have all left, Theres still some good ones there), Leicsters still going ok, although numbers have dropped dramatically.... I guess this is what happens when you go from being a 'free' night to suddenly costing £4 and not telling anyone about it.... I guess my biggest achievement this year though, really not trying to sound dramatic here, is keeping sane.
05 - Heh, An advancement and Improvement on both here. Getting a Club Night elsewhere (headhunted too!) and it being a big success, in theory its even more succeful than my current night. The whole range of new people and Ideas etc this opens me too is amazing, Mosh certainly know how to run a nice club and keep it nice too :) Feedback so far has been really good about me too, infact its amazingly good according to management :)
Larpwise Cogo the lizardkin of the Blue Feather Clan has been amazing, even the refs think so, which is a damn good sign considering how jaded some of them seem at times, some actively want to meet me and find out my background, which seems a rare thing for a ref. I hope 2006 works well for the Leezord, But I have a feeling he won't last long, he's too dumb :D But its fun to play him, and thats the important thing.
An additional achievement to this year has been sorting many of my financial issues. I've spent most of 2005 having money crapness due to the fucking huuuuuge tax bill at the start of the year. Now i've stabalised it all and its nearly all back on form. I still need to ease some of my random crazy spending habits, but its not too bad. With things like my car clearing this year and my insurance dropping, my tax being well prepared for etc etc should make this year a breeze and I should be able to focus alot more on my savings.
04 - Getting a club elsewhere, although this doesn't really count as Nottinghams not really worked. Making Larp armor and getting amazingly good feedback about it

9.What was your biggest failure?

09 - The relationship with Mel mostly I think, It just left me going 'Eh?' alot and destroyed my faith in relationships again. My lack of work and effort in getting myself healthier, I had sporadic bursts where I would, then stopped. I'm getting alot worse too at staring at girls chests or talking to them rather than their faces, I don't mean too, Its just me.

08 - Still letting people get to me, When they really really shouldn't. Letting my physical self become so bulbous.
07 - I think I've let my paranoia get the better of me at some points this year, Although i've managed to start gaining control of it again over the last 2 weeks and realising i'm going a bit ott with it in regards to some people. Letting simple and small critcisms cut me too deeply aswell and reacting to them quite extremely. Sorting out my physical state.
06 - Finding a loving relationship :)
05 - Kinda still letting things get to me so much, Although I've been doing alot better with that too. I don't think thats really a big failure though, so its not that bad really.
04 - Keeping my new year resolutions, Trying to ease my protective side and trying not to let things get to me so much

10.Did you suffer illness or injury?

09 - I got Campylobactor, Thats about it.

08 - I fell victim to a new strain of Samonella poisoning (thanks subway :P), Another nerves issue, which has me on AD's again, although i've gotten over it alot faster etc than i did before. Still rocky as last year. I had a bout of cellulitis too, which was..... different.
07 - stabalised certain things it seems, although it can be rocky at times, but learning to handle that. Had some colds and flus which were crap, but all in all an improvement on last year :)
06 - My stomach issues kinda got worse, Constantly feeling ill etc, My nerves etc kinda went whack aswell. Still trying various things to sort it but not really getting anywhere. Healths been shit this year, guess its part of getting older.
05 - I sorted the headaches thing by getting glasses, I still get some though, Body numbing ones too at times, which is worrying. My stomach become very tempremental at the later part of this year too which is crap. But in general I've not had anything stupidly bad this year.
04 - I had tonsilitis at some point if that counts, Also i think i need to goto an opticians as i'm getting headaches all the time at the moment.

11.What was the best thing you bought?

09 - Hmmmm, I'm not all that sure really.. I bought a new Ipod, which is pretty shit compared to the old one, They put volume limiters in them now, which means you have to crazily crank them up on the mixing desk to get them to play 'in line' with cd's at work. I got some lovely Shoulders for my larp gear, Big shiny plate ones that look awesome, I should wear them more often (at larp), The Shield boxset has entertained me too. OOOOh! My Blackberry! Its ace!

08 - My new bed is ACE although its sooo bloody hard to get out of it, makes you sleep loads. My laptop is great too. Biggest waste of money being my van, hopefully i'll get rid of it shortly.
07 - Computer additions, near enough a new computer... seems thats happening each year... hmmmm. The mountain bike :D
06 - My new computer I think..... Maybe my tv.... Finally paid off the car, so maybe that, The Nintendo Ds has been good fun too.
05 - The Ipods pretty good.... As are the many Steak and Cheese Subways :D
04 - My new computer i think.

12.Whose behavior merited celebration?

09 - Steve Austin, From Crazy Udder. He's been great to chat to and muse over things with, A real inspiration to designing things, He's just been Awesome. He encourages me to make kit and things, Its good to have someone like him there to bolster my confidence, He'll suggest new ideas and ways too, I look forward to working with him alot more this year too.
Tins been good again too, he's a good friend. Dale, Chibs, Dave, Keir, Mum all good.
JP once again has been ace @ work, helping me out etc.

08 - Mels, She's a great girl and puts up with me really well :) She intrigues me in so many ways. Tin has been ace again this year listening and talking with me alot., Along with Arun, Dave, Andy, Varna, They are all excellent friends. Chibs has been good. Ash too, she's been lovely i'm glad everything seems sorted and settled between us. Dale was excellent alot this year, from work to larp. Work wise Jp has been above and beyond excellent, So glad he's around to help out. Jap and Adam at work have been very good too, I've really got on well with Andy (maintenance) from work too, hope he returns soon
07 - Chibs has been awesome again this year, especially in the later months. Tin is fooking great! James has been there for me at times and thats always a good thing. Helen, Tanja, Hellen, Arun, Suzie, Andy, Varna have been nice. Jp has been a star, as has Andy, Grant and Vj were great guys too, dissmissing some myths in my head. Simon was great again this year and so were Andy (soundman) and Small. Keir was great as always. Lewis was influential again. Mum has been the shining star she always is. Loads of people have been good this year.
06 - Chibs has been distant but good this year, She was utterly Awesome at Larp. Keir and Rich have been lovely, Lewis has been very good too. Juice has been a star again, helping to keep me sane. Skruff was also great for this. Charlie made me smile alot from Larp to Mosh. Mum of course wins again though. Ash has been lovely aswell. Simon (dahlia) from work has been really awesome this year too, Rich aswell. Tanja has been very cool this year and a wonder to work with.
05 - Chibs again, We've got on really well this year, even though there was a space where we weren't getting on either. She's made me feel good about myself.
Shaun really has been amazing in the second part of the year, For ages there was always a kinda tension between us, sometimes fuelled by my paranoia, often fuelled (In my opinion) by others stirring or sticking beaks in, But we've teamed up and really made the united front we've always spoke of. Shaun just simply has becoming amazing this year, The last hour of new years eve was fantastic, one of my favourite work moments of the year, it was such good fun :D
Mark deserves a mention He's came to LARP and enjoyed it, He's taken turns with me to drive to penny etc giving me a chance to relax and enjoy myself.
Monkeyjuice has been steady and great this year aswell :)
Mother again, without a doubt.
04 - Chibs. She's been really nice to me this year and a breath of fresh air, really helping prevent me from becoming a woman hater.. But then so have Pretty boy, Keir, Vickee, James, Emmie.... Loads of people. Lorna too, for being brave enough to join us at Larp. Of course my mum goes without question, she's been fantastic all my life,

13.Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

09 - Without a doubt its been James, What a tossbag! I always knew his life revolved around girlfriends, He never felt he was complete unless he had a girlfriend, It was annoying but I always dealt with it. 09 though saw him get with Lois, A very possessive girl who basically stopped him seeing all his friends. That could be seen as her behaviour, But its how he so willingly went along with it, Infact he embraced it. Simply so he had a girlfriend. I remember the couple of years of them two leading up to them getting together, He never particularly liked her, He just enjoyed getting his ego rubbed by her, Then when Shibby knocked him back, He was alone and getting no where with anyone, He decided to get with Lois... somethings better than nothing eh? But to shut all your friends off... Thats fucking rubbish. The last time I spoke to him (spring time?) he said himself that she didn't want him seeing me and the larpers. I've seen now he makes efforts with some friends, But never me... Funnily enough he owes me £200 quid too... go figure. He paid me it all off, then rang me later that day crying his eyes out because he couldnt afford to give me that money, So I (Stupidly) gave it back to him and agreed to take it in installments again, That was the last I ever saw or heard of him.... or the owed money. Shithead.
Dave Maule, The previous manager of Roadmender, He stole my wages and refused to give them back to me, Yet was painting such a sob story on facebook etc on how he had been robbed of the venue and was such a victim.
Mels whole break up and aftermath has depressed me, But not appalled me. Just left me feeling confused for a while.

08 - My own a fair bit. Chibs at times. James too. Theres the general crapness about people as always, but i've come to accept it more now, I am a better person and above them.
07 - Heh, I always feel I should name names here, but why bother eh? The people who know they've appalled and depressed me know they have and they know why. I've lost close friends this year once again due to peer pressure, gossip and a massive need to be in a 'in crowd'. Close friends who stab you in the back, slag you off to look cool, then act all sweet and innocent to you when you ask them about it. Closer friends who terminate your friendship at their partners request, then accuse you of not being a friend to them, These two actually appalled me. Purplehaus's treatment of 'the rock scene' sickens me. I've cleared alot of shit people out my life this year, and 2008 will be better for it. I'm quite straight forward really, I don't bother with people I don't like.
06 - Ah, All the usual suspects. The same as last year continued to dissapoint me even to the stage of being appalled, proving to be worthless people really, Peer pressure strikes again i guess. The ever dominating need to be 'Popular' makes people ugly. Theres been an amazing amount of two facedness and outright lieing and cheating going on this year too, as usual the suspects all seem to get away with it scott free too..... Its a sad world at times.
05 - oooooh...... No ones actually 'Appalled' me. Although I've been dissapointed and depressed by several once friends actions. It dissapoints me how people can change overnight to fit in, Or friends that believe picking out your everyfault is good for you..... Also when people start arguing or picking on anything and everything you say, even though they themselves said exactly the same a week before kinda makes you realise they aren't really your friends at all. Peer pressure is an ugly thing and i've seen it make people do some really ugly things this year. If people really can't accept you for who you are then are they really worth bothering with? Changing yourself to make yourself a better person is an admirable thing, changing to get props, look cool or be part of a gang isn't. (And no, thats not in reference to what most of you non LJers will think its about, Its just a general view on people this year.)
04 - Holly really depressed me alot this year, A once close friend dissapointed me lots too.

14.Where did most of your money go?

09 - In other peoples pockets.

08 - The van didn't do me any favours. Apart from that its not really done a whole lot, frittered it away here and there. Larp kit wasn't cheap, Seems. I need to learn not to keep lending people money too.
07 - I really don't know to be honest. Its just kinda gone here and there really.
06 - Debt clearing again, Then also on some treats for myself.
05 - Into the bank to rebuild my shattered account. Also into Subway for foods. Some of the real money sinks are now gone though, My contract with Orange was costing me best parts of £150 a month all last year, In feb I switched to 02 and have never paid more than £45 a month and get a much better service too, Thats obviously saved me loads. In the past month I've moved from NTL to SKY and saving an average of £25 - £30 a month which is great, and this also provides a far superior service. Wows kept a steady pace all year too, People complain about it saying 'You have to pay to play' £9 a month for an ever changing game seems worth it to me, compared to those people who spend £30+ a week on console games etc etc.....
04 - On other people

15.What events did you get really, really, really excited about?

09 - The Larp Season of course :D

08 - The larp season, The whole knights thing was worrying at first, but was all manners of awesome. gunfest too, It was just amazing! It was a real case of 'Believe the hype', Renewal for a non larp reason, because i'd get to see Mel :D
07 - The Larp season, First because I was looking forward to progressing more with Cogo, Then he died unexpectedly, Then the greenest court happened and although short lived it lived well. I'm looking forward to 2008 even more :) In reverse though I really wasn't looking forward to Halloweens this year, Although Soundhaus's worked alot better than i expected and Moshes was packed. I wasn't looking forward to NYE for I had a grim idea how it was going to turn out, I was correct, luckily people seemed to enjoy it.
06 - Larp, All year (Except Fayre, which actually turned out to be really good for me for IC and OOC reasons).
05 - Still the LARP season, although I wasn't that excited about Renewal when it actually trundled round. I think the lax attitudes from others kinda dulled me abit, Doesn't look like thats a problem this year though as theres no longer a group, just me to sort and look after. Some intergroup tension made things awkward too, but I think in the end its all sorted and helped us all get more what we wanted from the hobby and take it in directions we want and enjoy.
I got excited about Leicster and with good reason too.
I've looked forward to halloween night aswell, Both me and Shaun planning our costumes was good fun and helped me get more excited about the night.
04 - The whole Live Role Play season. Also the reforming of PWEI

16.What song will always remind you of 2008?

09 - Paramores 'Ignorance' and Prodigys 'Warriors Dance'

08 - I dunno. Maybe Innerpartysystems 'Dont stop' or The Presets 'My people' or Forever The sickest kids 'Whoa!'
07 - Paramore 'Misery Business' - Enter Shikari 'Sorry your not a winner' I believe.
06 - Hmmmm.... Probably Legion of Dooms 'Hands Down Gandhi' and Muse 'Starlight' or 'Supermassiveblackhole'. Shania Twains 'Your Still The One' the song played at Dads funeral.
05 - Hmmm.... Either Fallout Boys - Sugar, We're going down, My Chemical Romances - I'm not ok or Ladytrons - Destroy Everything You Touch
04 - Lionel Richies - Three Times a lady

17.Compared to this time last year, are you:

i.happier or sadder?

09 - Same
08 - Happier :D
07 - Happier, But Angry at myself.
06 -Sadder in some respects, But Happier in others
05 - I'm kinda Neutral
04 - I'm happier, This time last year i was not long broke up with Kirstee and it hurt me.

ii.thinner or fatter?

09 - Fatter Still
08 - Fatter
07 - Fatter, a fair amount too. Enough to depress myself over potentially.
06 - Thinner, due to crap health.
05 - Considerably Thinner apparently, Or so people keep saying.
04 - I'm fatter, not a whole lot though, But enough to depress myself over.

iii.richer or poorer?

09 - about the same.
08 - poorer, slightly.
07 - Neither really, kinda floating in the middle.
06 - Richer, But mainly through sorting my debts (again)
05 - heh, No, I've nearly paid my car off this year. Considering the timebomb which was waiting when I typed last year I think i can safely say i'm alot more richer this year than the soon to be dead richness of last year :)
04 - Richer in a financial sense, although not amazingly so. Things like 'Nearly paid off my car' help towards it.

18.What do you wish you'd done more of?

09 - More romance and fun, More sex, More workouts.

08 - Working out. Work focusing.
07 - Worked on my physical fitness and health, More sexing with a ccertain someone. Promoting.
06 - Been healthier. More loving (actual loving, I only experienced something like it very briefly this year, it died before it could bloom). Building too, My creative sides got some life again recently.
05 - Sexing, Socialising, Learning, Building stuff (Doing the garden etc was all great fun), been a passenger rather than a driver, had thicker skin, More Sexing.....
04 - gone to Gigs, Working out.

19.What do you wish you'd done less of?

09 - Same again. Slacking a bit at work.

08 - Exactly the same as last year.
07 - Worrying about what people think of me and if others are influencing how they think and how passionately they are trying to influence if at all. Sitting around on my ass and making it massive and fat.
06 - Being ill, Worrying about my health, Slacking work wise.
05 - Worrying about health issues that I don't actually think are there. Moping. Letting things get to me.
04 - Thinking too much, Worrying too much, Been such a slacker

20.How will you be spending Christmas?

09 - I spent it at home with my brother and mum. It was easily the best Xmas i've had in ages. It was just the family and we all helped with the cooking etc and ate a lovely meal. It was just great :)

08 - I spent most of it sleeping. Although I did go and get dinner round marcus and tams again :)
07 - I spent christmas alone at home watching tv with Minkford. I couldn't go round my Brothers because he got kittens and i'm highly allergic to them. I played wow too.
06 - Marcus and Tams again for dinner, Later on I dunno, options open to visit several friends, so i may very well do that. But lets be honest, after eating Xmas dinner your pretty much out for the count for the rest of the day. Most likely play WOW at some point too.
05 - I spent this christmas round my brothers again eating dinner and looking after the kids, which was fun. Then i came home and to no suprise found most the people who said they'd come round didn't bother. Instead Me, Juice and Skruff sat and watched tv and beat eachother up with inflatable weapons. Fantastic stuff :) I also played Wow. So it wasn't that different from last year in many ways.
04 - I'll be round my Brothers for dinner, Most likely Play EQ2 at some point. I may visit Chibs too apparently, or keir rich etc. Also when at brothers i'll be being 'Uncle Ron'

21.Who did you spend the most time on the phone with?

09 - Mum probably, Her and Tom are about the only people who ever phone me. Which isn't a bad thing as I don't like talking on the phone, I always try and rush conversations to get off it.

08 - Mel. I'm really not much of phone person, but i'm working on it. Oh, also the people researching the samonella i had.
07 - Arun, Chibs, Mum, Hellen. I'm not a ringing kinda person, more a texter.
06 - Hmmm..... I think probably Bill..... Or he's the one who's rang me most this year. Actual general friend chatting etc then its Chibs.

22.Did you fall in love in 2008?

09 - Hmmm, No. Although I met 2 girls who really made me go 'Wow!'. First was at Larp, Around Renewal, She was Funny, Smart, Intelligent, Attractive and sooo Alluring! Sadly (as is always the way), She has a boyfriend who she is totally smitten with. So i've just accepted the friends position instead.
2nd i've only met in the last few weeks, She was out at the club with some of my friends, I've not seen her since, But I've chatted to her online, I find her totally fascinating. Her sense of humour is AMAZING! and so very close to mine, quirky and weird. Its really strange, I'm really taken with her and want to know more about her, talk with her more etc... And theres no physical thoughts etc there at all, Its all just a fascination for the person! Of course though I'm probably looking like some kind of stalker, Also (As always) she's quite clearly not interested.
I have alot of love to give, ranging from romance to passion, I just need to find someone who wants that too. Someone who see's romance and love in the little things aswell as the big things.

08 - Its very much so heading that way :D
07 - I've never stopped being in love with a dream.
06 - Yeah pretty much, Had to fall out again too as it wasn't happening. Love is a word with no meaning to some people.
05 - Yes for actual Love. I also really fell for someone aswell, Sadly it wasn't to be though. But never mind eh? I fall easy and can unfall aswell without too much effort
04 - Yes, I really fell for Holly. Sadly that wasn't to be and it really hurt like crazy to have to 'Un-fall in love' with her.

23. How many one-night stands?

09 - 5 or 6. I actually had a 'bedfriend' most this year, who was pretty darned fantastic too, She's not around so much anymore though.

08 - 2 I think
07 - About 8 maybe 9.
06 - About 5, Most not worth the effort. Alot of false offers too.
05 - haha :D Errrr..... 2 I believe.
04 - holy cow... errrr.... several, most not worth the effort.

24. What was your favorite TV program?

09 - The Shield, Oz, Lost Season 5, Look Around You. Probably Supernatural mostly though, I love the Divine vs Demonic thing, Its something i'd love to bring into my larp plots more, Sadly it just doesnt work with the gameworld.

08 - Prison Break :D Its bloody awesome :D Lost season 4 was an improvement on season 3. Scrubs season 7 was dissapointing. Heroes season 3 was ok.
07 - Scrubs. Lost was ok, but season 3 was dull. Heroes has been good, although season 2 was dull. I finally watched all of Angel this year, I really enjoyed it.
06 - Scrubs and Lost. Maybe Babecast Tv for Flo :D Ncis has that crazy hot goth girl too, I like her.
05 - Lost for actual tv Viewing...... But Firefly without a doubt for DVD viewing.
04 - Property Ladder!

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

09 - Don't think so. Theres people who I think are just morons, A couple of mettlars who always bitch at me on facebook. Lois is a nasty bit of work, But I don't feel it extends to hate. James is pathetically spineless, I don't hate him though, Just dissapointed immensly with him.

08 - Nah, same people
07 - Yes, 2 people. Luckily in the grand scheme of things they mean nothing to the world. I believe they feel the sameway too, so its all good.
06 - Hmmmm... Hates a strong word..... Not really i think, Although i'm very very close to it, But maybe not hating them, just pitying.
05 - As last year really.
04 - Nope, I'm not really a hateful person. I have views, opinions and complaints about people, but Hate is too strong a word to use.

26. What was the best book you read?

09 - The Lolcat book i got for Xmas, Think its the only one i read this year :P

08 - The bernard Cornwell books i read as of last year, they were excellent.
07 - I've almost finished 'the winter king' by Bernard Cornwell and its fantastic. So glad I stopped reading the wheel of time.
06 - Hahahaha! I'm still reading Book 9 of the wheel of time 'Winters Heart'. Its so amazingly boring, But I'm determined to finish it. Heh, Reading the last two years entries have made me laugh, I've spent nearly 4 years on this series now, I'll be glad to bloody finish it so maybe i can read something better and more to the point.
05 - Books 7 & 8 of Wheel Of Time, as they took me all year to read....... (yes I'm lame, He's just released book 11 too.... fucks sake)
04 - I guess the Book 6 of wheel of time, as it took me all year to read.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery or rediscovery?

09 - I don't think anything new really blew me away this year. I quite liked 'The Qemists'. I've really enjoyed some Wolfshiem songs and got back into loving the klf again too :)

08 - More reggie and the full effect, Lock3down, got back into Ministry (the industrial metal band)
07 - Ministry of Sound cd's. Reggie and The Full Effect. e-40. Saosin. Atreyu's 'Lead sails, paper anchor' was album of the year for me, Followed by Ministry of sound anthems 1991 - 2008.
06 - Work. I guess bands wise In Flames, Legion Of Doom, Atreyu, Combichrist.
05 - Polysics, Ladytron, Pendulum, Avenged Sevenfold, Seether, Rise, Rabbit Junk, Taking back Sunday, Endanger, Fallout Boy, Panic! At The Disco .... to name a few.
04 - The Faint, My Chemical Romance, Eighteen Visions... I didn't discover them, but i got listening to them this year.

28. What did you want and get?

09 - Fun times with friends.

08 - A beautiful, Smart, intelligent, understanding, geeky, sexy girlfriend :D Fun in wow and larp.
07 - Fun with Friends, Fun at Larp, Fun in Wow, Good Sexing.
06 - A second chance. Fun with friends, Good fun at Larp.
05 - A successful club night somewhere other than Npton, reassures me about my skill at my job.
04 - Some true and solid friends, Some fun LARP events. To progress far and Well in EQ 1, which i did.

29. What did you want and not get?

09 - The opportunity to grope above the waste let alone below it :D A mitsubishi l200 animal truck.... I very nearly bought one, probably just aswell i didn't really. A body to be proud of.

08 - Less cunts in the world. World peace. A miracle cure to my cat allergy.
07 - A loving girlfriend, Less Cunts in the world (I got less in my life), better physical fitness. (5years now! Woot!)
06 - A loving girlfriend (Nearly 4years now), The World on a stick, Less cunts, Debt free, Good Health, Less backstabbing and two facedness from 'Friends'.
05 - A top quality girlfriend. been single for nearly 3 years now..... wow! A winning Lottery Ticket.
04 - A girlfriend (Of top quality), More work, A worked/toned/slimmed body.

30. What were your favorite films of this year?

09 - I cant recall much of what was out this year. Last one I saw was Avatar 3d, It was ok, Nothing earth shattering though. I liked GI Joe, Even though many didn't.

08 - IronMan and Hellboy 2. I thought Dark Knight was overhyped.
07 - Transformers (cinema only though), Oceans 13 and Enchanted.
06 - Xmen 3, Although most didn't like it. V for Vendetta, Pirates of the Carribean 2,
05 - Serenity without a doubt, Followed by Sin City I believe.
04 - Hmmm... Spiderman 2 i believe.

31.What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

09 - I was 31. I was with Mel, She bought me a lovely Lizard mug with my name on it :)

08 - I was 30! I dont know what i did. I think i had a dinner with a bunch of my friends from larp and RL.
07 - I was 29! Watched teen wolf with Skruff according to my journal. Exciting :D
06 - I was 28, We went to mosh, I got drunk and acted like a twat.
05 - I was 27! I can't think of what i did during the day.... Ah, looking back it appears i was helping Chibs with LARP kit and watching Burn Up Excess and I also got that utter shite nokia phone, which i sold shortly after. At the weekend I got crazily drunk at work and ended up trying to down the dregs bucket at the end of the night...... Ewwwwww!
04 - I was 26! I can't actually recall doing anything on my birthday though.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

09 - A sense of purpose and direction I think. Being buff.

08 - Very thick skin.
07 - A license to kill.
06 - Good Health. Less Cunts, A loving and supportive Girlfriend. (Jesus i'm so predictable!)
05 - Better looks. Better health. And a sexy horny nymph. (Me? Predictable? never!)
04 - being helthier, buffer, better Looking, more confident... and having a horny, sexy nymph who was up for anything =P

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?

09 - If it fits, wear it.

08 - Casual, same as last year. Rainbow stripey socks are awesome.
07 - Casual. I started wearing blue jeans again. My hairs mostly grown back after it was cut off at NYE 2006.
06 - Its changed a bit actually, I've stopped buying 'just' combat trousers now and have started shopping in more fashionable places for trousers etc. Still wearing mainly t-shirts though, although i've eased off wearing XL all the time, seems L suit me better, some advice Shaun gave me earlier in the year, He was right too. I grew a goatee too, which I think suits me alot better, Although I now look scarily like Bill Bailey.
05 - I've actually taken steps to change myself this year, NYE saw me venture out in a 'casual' shirt which got me a great response. A fucked up hair cuts made me have to tie my hair back for a while, which obviously changes my image a bit. I've started buying clothes from trendy shops too, which is kinda weird for me. I'd say my fashion concept for 2005 is 'Snail paced progression'
04 - LMAO! Same as the past few years really... black combats, black tshirt. That said though, i got some coloured combats now. I have also been thinking alot recently about cutting my hair, It started off as a joke but is slowly becoming a very serious consideration.

34. What kept you sane?

09 - Steve, Tom, Dale, Kier, Chibs, Mum, Tin.

08 - Mel for the later part of the year. Mum, grim determination and pride. James
07 - Determination again. Tin.
06 - All my true friends and my mum, even my brother to a fair degree. Grim determination. Self anger and hatred (Dramatic sounding, but true). Realising that everyone has faults and problems and suffers the same shit as me, they just all handle and show it in different ways, Some better, some worse. Drinks become pretty useful in the later part of the year.
05 - Myself in many ways, although I'm not so sure now if its a negative grip of reality, just more a grip of reality. My friends and mum have been good too. Also those odd few 'guest appearance' encounters through the year, like Evil refs wise words when out clubbing, Keirs Gems of insightfulness. Shauns been fantastic at keeping me sane too.
04 - My friends, My negative grip of reality.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most/least?

09 - Whitney Stevens. Ryomou Shimei from Ikki Tousen (If anime characters can count), Hitomi Tanaka (You'll see why when you look her up)

08 - Whitney Stevens still. Noticed how hot Lucy Pindar is aswell. Rachel Rice; The winner of big brother was so pretty and such a nice person, I've chatted to her a little on myspace (yes, its really her) and she is nice :) Sarah Wayne Callies (Sarah Tranceddi) from prison break is hot.
07 - Whitney Stevens! Allie Sinn (Yeah, they are both pornstars), Heather Graham, Sarah Chalke, Anna Faris and Jennifer Aniston.
06 - Errr.... Sarah Chalke (Elliot on scrubs), Anna Faris (Scary movies, Just friends), Heather Graham (Scrubs, The Guru, Austin Powers2) and the awesomely hot porn star 'Whitney Stevens' (Teens For Cash, Big and Real, Teens in tight jeans 2) .... Boy she has some boobs on her! I noticed Sarah Beeny has a lumpy lip this year.... made me lose interest a bit. Oh! Flo from Babecast etc, shes delicious!
05 - Anna Faris is still lovely. Beeny still has the best boobs you'll ever see on a property program! I really like Kaylee (Jewel Staite) from Firefly/Serenity too. If i was gay then i'd say Sawyer from Lost
04 - ooooh.... Now was it Sarah Beeny of Property Ladder, Or was it Anna Faris of Scary Movie 3.... hmmm... I think Beeny wins it. Faris had blonde hair in scary movie three and didn't look so good.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

09 - Nothing really.

08 - Kinda actually have something here for once. Although its linked to politics, rather than actual politics. Obama winning the election in the states, Was great, he seemed like a nice guy. But all the hype in the papers following it was about how he was black. Like... Wow! We didn't notice that. How about focusing on what he's got planned etc.
07 - Same as previous years.
06 - Once again Political stuff has sailed past me.
05 - As last year. Call me crap if you want, think of me as ignorant if you want, I don't care.
04 - I'm politically blind, deaf and dumb. I don't care for politics.

37. Whom did you miss?

09 - Mel for a bit. No one specific besides that.

08 - Juice. Chibs when she was away in Holland.
07 - Juice
06 - I'd say dad, But in all honesty he'd lived in the old folks home for a few years now, So i didn't really miss him like that. I've missed Ash since she's gone to Uni, I miss seeing Juice and Chibs as much. I miss seeing Keir and Pretty Boy as much as i did, but thats my fault really. I intend to remedy this.
05 - Errrrr... Hellen in some ways, we've really started drifting apart over this year. Rather scarily just before going sleep last night (After NYE gig at soundy) I started thinking of previous NYE's and thought of how horrible I was to Cami a few years back, This really helped trigger my 'not drinking' thing. I deserve several kicks in the head for being such a cunt that night.
04 - I don't think i particularly missed anyone this year.

38. Who was the best new person you met?

09 - Steve Austin from Crazy Udder. Tom Wise (Crazy Udder), Rebecca Cardnell (From Larp), Pete Burnett (Larp/udder), Emma Wagner (Blast Chamber).

08 - Mel wins this by a mile! Andy (maintenance at work), Lauren Stanton (work), Bleeder.
07 - Andy (Bar), Small (sound), Annekka (leicester), Claire, Steff, Grant, Troy, Roxie, Arun, Suzie, Sophie, Varna.... Best though.... Andy (Bar) I believe.
06 - Oooh.... Errr.... Tin, Hannah, Lucie, Cosmic Claire, Arun, Rizzy, Laurazy, Iveta, Michala, Andy Loudthunder, Ed Stock ..... If I had to pick one though.... Hannah (Or maybe Tin)..... I can't pick one.
05 - Caz/Lysinglistless was the best new person. Its a very close call with Laura though (Shauns girlie) who's really funny :)
I think other contenders were Vj, Simon and Rich (from work), Hayley from Mosh, Chalks seems like a fun person, I've yet to actually talk to Bex, although we seem to get on ok, even though she has a manly voice..... :P
04 - Chibs. But thats out a list of people who were all so close to the top... from Holly to Maureen, Marcus and James (Who are both cool), Ricardo too.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:

09 - Yoooooooou caaaaaaaan dooooooo iiiiiiiiiiit!

08 - "Relationships don't work they way they do on television and in the movies. Will they? Won't they? And then they finally do, and they're happy forever, gimme a break. Nine out of ten of them end because they weren't right for each other to begin with, and half of the ones who get married get divorced anyway, and I'm telling you right now, through all this stuff I have not become a cynic. I haven't. Yes, I do happen to believe that love is mainly about pushing chocolate-covered candies and, y'know, in some cultures, a chicken. You can call me a sucker, I don't care, because I do... believe in it. Bottom line: it's couples who are truly right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else, but the big difference is they don't let it take them down. One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time. If it's right, and they're real lucky, one of them will say something."
07 - Fuck em
06 - Your damned if you do, Damned if you don't.... Sometimes it just pays to shut up and not say anything. oooh, also the last 2 years sex one is still very true :D
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