what difference a small amount of hours can make

Oct 30, 2008 21:13

So, All in life is weird and complicated now.

Last night, around 7ish, I went out and saw my friend pete, We went and got Chibs and i was supposed to be dropping pete round his friends house after sorting him some fliers out for the club. Simple enough eh?
I was rather shocked when the police pulled us over back up at his. I wasn't entirely sure why, but two officers came over and asked us to step out the vehicle, all movie style. So we did, They searched me (after asking), then went to search Pete when he tried to leg it, he got about 10ft before they grabbed him and they started scrapping. Chibs and me didn't know what the hell to do, but you can't let that kinda shit happen really, So i went over to try and get pete to calm down, Chibs did too. Then one of the officers elbowed her in the face, This was completely unwarrented and uncalled for, Also it pissed me off a tad as now two of my friends were getting attacked. So I flipped and started kicking off too. Didn't really do much as i'm a woos. Second car arrives with blue lights and we're soon pinned down and dragged off to the cells where we're kept over night (Chibs wasn't, she was let home).
So why did this all happen? turns out Pete deals in coke and thats why he was going to his friends. I guess they knew this and were waiting etc. Sadly now i've been tarred with the same brush, aswell as being arrested for assualting two officers (I really didn't do shit to them, I couldn't punch my way out a wet paper bag). So thats assualt and intention to sell cocaine. For fucks sake! Anyone who knows me know thats not the kind of person i am.
To make matters worse they searched my car throughly and took all the remaining beer etc in the back from gunfest and also half my cd's are missing too, In the process they've also lost the front of my stereo aswell. So its really not been one of the better days of my life.

So now i have halloween this weekend. Guess at least thats something i can try and look forward too.
Suprisingly enough I've decided Pete can fuck right off.
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