MEME..... musique

Oct 08, 2009 12:50

DISCLAIMER: my musical tastes can change drastically from week to week, so .. uh..

Imagine if music was the only way to introduce yourself to new people, with this in mind pick a maximum of 10 songs that you would be happy to give to people as YOUR soundtrack. Pick carefully but dont try to pick the oddest songs you can think of just to show off, remember this is your personal soundtrack. If this person has tagged you its because they would like to know what songs you would pick, expect some comments back! tag them when you reply so they can see what you put. off you go then!

*tag 10 friends when you're done to keep this going & to see what they would put*

10 songs that are me:

1 bloc party - banquet

2 deerhoof - wrong time capsule

3 deerhoof - matchbook seeks maniac

4 wolf parade - i'll believe in anything

5 architecture in helsinki - to and fro

6 deerhoof - midnight bicycle mystery

7 patrick wolf - libertine

8 architecture in helsinki - same old innocence

9 justice - D.A.N.C.E (remix)

10 goldfrapp - number one


and whoever else?