May 17, 2005 11:07
Im sooo fucking pissed right now... omg.. fucking people... DAMN IT!!! Fucking tired of people talking shit and just fucking looking for problems... I hate it... It ruins my day... I was soooo happy today... damn it... Anywyas... yesterday was awesome... I had the best b-day ever... I saw my girlfreiend, and she gave me a teddy bear, and then I saw her after school and she gave me cookies and m&m's and everything, and like we went to my house. My parents said happy b-day and took me to chillis with my girlfriend and bro n sis. I saw Tamara there!!! so cool... lol.. I had FAJITAS!!! ... adn then, I ate and ate.. and stuff, and they sang the happy happy b-day song and it was sooo embarassing.. and yeah.. i cant even write cuz im so mad still