a lack of updates update

Sep 02, 2011 13:19

Sorry for the severe lack of updates. Don't worry, I'm still writing Admiring Boy and other fics, but at the moment I don't have time to dedicate solely to them and so I haven't actually finished anything properly. :(

But, I have good excuses! (for a change, haha) I've just moved into my new flat (yesterday), so before now the time consuming problems have been packing, preparing for uni and trying to sort out the wad of debt I've accumulated (tears and daddy's credit card, gulp - but don't think that means an easy ride :( I've got to pay it all back, and asap because there's interest accumulating on it aahhhh). Now the time consuming acts are finishing what uni preparations need to be physically done in Glasgow and unpacking and cleaning the flat (you'd expect your new flat to be clean when you move in, but it's a teensy bit grubby... nothing worth complaining about, but definitely worth doing something yourself about).

But I just thought I'd let you know what's going on. I hope to have a few more chapters of Admiring Boy up by the time I start lectures (19th) but we'll see. It took me a year to finish the last chaptered fic I did! Haha, but that was back when I was a naive little fangirl who was just interested in (badly written) smut, so hopefully this will work better. Hopefully.

Okay, just wanted to let you know I wasn't dead, or worse, had stopped writing. Bye for now~ ♥


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