day 7, Saturday: wrapping packages!
day 8, Sunday: Going to The Nutcracker! It was really beautiful. The Arabian dancers were especially good (that's my favourite part of the whole ballet, though, so I'm biased) and the Russians as well. Also, it was a really racially-diverse production, moreso than I've ever seen before at least-- Clara was Chinese! Maybe I've just lived for too long in a single-race nation, or something, but I was impressed by that xD The costumes and sets were gorgeous, as well.
I splurged on the tickets and ordered them like 4 months in advance so we got great seats, and the new performing arts center (the Long Center) in Austin is awesome and served cookies and cocoa during the intermission (well, they also served champagne and stuff, but we went to the matinee so it was a little early in the day for that).
I love going to out to the theater and stuff. There are so many shows that I want to see, provided I can find someone to come with me of course! I'd like to see Cinderella at the ballet, and broadway productions of both RENT and Wicked are coming to Austin this season. I want to go to the opera because I've never been, but it's too expensive. I want to see the Chinese acrobats coming to the Long Center too! They're like Circue du Soleil-goes-Shaolin. Cool! *ahem* Anyway.
I wore lolita! :D Yay! I had an outfit planned for months, but it turned out to be too cold (and also I've gained several pounds off these Christmas cookies, so it's not as flattering as it once was), so I went with my old favourite: the Virgin. Sorry if you already saw the pics on d_l, here they are again:
Yay an excuse to use my totally impractical coat!