Dec 23, 2010 11:30
As I write this today, there are only about two days till Christmas, and I hate it. I've never truly understood the meaning of celebrating something that none of us truly need. The music sucks, people are always faking their happiness by now, and to many people trying to be nice.
As I was growing up I was never a big fan of it. Lies of this guy names " Santa Clause" when it was easy to tell that it was my parents doing everything. The little ones always screaming for joy when the day came. It was always just a big headache and a bunch of lies.
Finally one day I had told my parents I knew this " jolly man" wasn't real and I was tired of the joke. I told them I wouldn't ruin their kids dreams by telling them the truth. I don't understand the point of lying to your kids about "Santa Clause" because as soon as they realize that all these holiday creatures aren't real the child is mad that them for lying, so what's truly is the point of lying to them.
This is the worst "holiday" of them all. All the fake joy and spoiled kids getting what they really don't need. Everyone singing like it's the end of the world and all his other junk. Sometimes I wish someone would smack the fuck out of these people and make them realize what they truly all doing, but then at other times I just love to watch them and all their lies slowly crumble over the years.
This holiday sucks, nothing more and nothing less. If you have a problem with it get over it.