Hi people.

Nov 12, 2008 14:37

So guys, some people have complained about not knowing or having any real desire to know sixty-seven years worth of sidekick continuity. That's alright, I can dig. So basically, I thought I would share random scans of different scenes in this journal, so that we could all learn things. Together.

Avengers/Invaders is a 12-part maxi-series that basically features the major WWII superheroes being transported to the post-Civil War Marvel Universe. I am mostly buying it in the hopes that Namor will make out with himself. So far, no dice.

While this is probably the best post-Brubaker portrayal of sidekick-era Bucky, that's not exactly saying much. Also everyone who's not James Buchanan Barnes comes off as kind of an idiot in this series, and Tony Stark is really, really uncomfortably gay for Steve. That said, this scene is like "badass" as a Kantian form of the sublime. I don't even know, really. I don't even know.

This starts in issue #2, where the Mighty Avengers have taken the whole team into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. Minus Namor, who jumped into the ~sea~

While everyone else has been put in special superhuman prison, they just stuck Bucky in a regular holo-cell or whatever. Which is dumb, because they just tried that, and it didn't work at all.

Also the Invaders are convinced that everyone is a Nazi.

Yeah, he did just rip off his own fingernail to get plastic explosives out from underneath his skin. Yeah.

Left arm, Bucky. Left arm.

So they fight a bit on the helicarrier, and realize they're really high up.

I am pretty sure all these scan sessions will involve Bucky shooting at some iconic Marvel character. He does that a lot.

Avengers/Invaders is plotted by Alex Ross and Jim Krueger, with the scripting by Kruger, pencils by Steve Sadowski, and colors by inLight Studios.

with the fingernail, scans, avengers/invaders, that one time

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