Wow, I found another crazy story like the one from yesterday. This one's about a guy from Belgium (who, sadly, is obviously mentally unstable and distrubed) staying at other people's houses and promptly getting kicked out. Oh, and he may or may not have burned down a Belgian dorm and killed someone. He doesn't care what he does or what happens to him, since he thinks he has cancer and only has 3 to 5 years anyway.
But, are you ready for the kicker? Instead of being obsessed with FF7, these guys are FURRIES. Remember that episode of CSI with the people who dressed up like animals and had sex with each other? Yeah, that's them. It gets really fucked up with the "mates" and the "yiffing" (I gather it's a handjob). And I can never quite figure out if the dogs they keep referring to are their actual pets or just people dressed as pets????
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