Wanlist (updated 5/22/06)

Aug 29, 2005 16:22

My Wantlist is pretty simple. I'm interested in books. I love to read so what I'm usually looking for is books. I am pretty picky on any clothing I buy so it's hard for me to trade for those items.

The books I am interested in trading for are:
Bonnie Bryant's Saddle Club series #100
Also her Pine Hollow series #'s 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 17
the Wrinkle in Time series
Tamora Pierce books (Immortals, Alanna, Circle of Magic, and Daughter of Alanna series')

this is a public post to the Selling part of my journal. Sorry to any of my regular flist that are annoyed by this one
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