quote 002

Apr 22, 2009 13:50

"Funny, isn't it, how most people who believe in reincarnation are convinced they were once queens and kings, priestesses, generals, artists and shamans? No one ever says, 'I was a garbage man. I just know it.' Or 'I'm certain I was a hooker.'"

- Jennifer Donnelly on her inspirations for Tea Rose (my favorite book)

Donnelly says she was probably a "slum dweller"

* i just think that this is so true. so with a little more reflecting. i must've been a tailor for nobles or something. either that or a farmer, merchant, or banker.  Most likely merchant though. i like working with my hands and i am amazing with money.

So, queens and kings aside, who do you think you were in your past life and why?

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