May 04, 2005 20:51
traditionally sunday was the the official day for angelina and i to load up on junk ( food ) and watch cheesy B- horror movies. we work weekends now and have developed a serious b deficiency. today went a long way to filling that need.
presenting " night of the living bowl obstruction "
featuring such classics as " i eat your skin" , " the last man on earth " and "king of the zombies". - a stirring film from the 1940's portraying the growing negroid threat - in zombie form.
please partake in the wide and varied selection of Crazy Eric's grease burgers- the only burger to cause the fast food advisory board to vomit in rage.
the night was capped off with laurel k's most recent offering of gratuitous sex padded drivel- and little debbies. tonight's underscoring theme being :
" we don't need no stinking diet *arrooo blargh melt melt melt ".
we had a great time today, and a ruptured intestinal wall if i'm not mistaken.