Day 32: Mitsuko is a Rockstar Originally uploaded by
RevoltPuppy. Last weekend was the Gitogito Hustler show, to which I took Alex, who had his mind suitably blown (or at least a reasonable appreciation there of). They put on a riotously good show, and the whole crowd (rather packed, considering Duffy's is a quite small venue) gave them lots of love.
I took pictures of them up until the end of their first song, when my camera battery died. I wish I could have gotten some of Mitsuko's crazier faces, as well as more of the band, but at least I got to enjoy the rest of the show uninhibited. I made off with a pile of their merch, too.
I also saw a former co-worker, who seems to be doing rather well for herself. It was kind of awkward, but then I usually am.
Last night I watched Infernal Affairs II which was an unexpected and unexpectedly good prequel.
Tonight is the Bomb the Music Industry! show. I almost forgot about it.