if i ever get home to houston alive i wont drive a truck anymore...

Jan 05, 2005 22:44

the year 2004 in review (not in order, of course)

moved to texas. let my hair grow. spent two nights in houston in springtime and came back with stained fingers and a prematurely beating heart. didn't buy enough eye makeup. watched the sunset over california. spent over 30 nights in hotel rooms. counted the steps between seattle and austin on valentines day. got in a screaming fight on market street. spent over 60 consecutive days sober. only drove a car once. sacrificied all my independence. started nursing school. bought a book on chemistry. extensively studied the anatomy of the heart. lost my sense of direction. cut my hair. bought more postcards than i sent. felt the midwestern wind rip across my face. fell more in love. missed the puget sound. drank too much coffee. didn't make enough time. didn't make enough collages. crossed several borders, but still stayed constant. got searched in the billings airport and had to explain the turquoise dildo in my suitcase. spoke more spanish than english. got my first cellphone. walked across the golden gate for the first time. lost contact with everyone ive known. saw snow in chicago. contemplated mathmatical equations and death when the summer came. counted the furrows in my forehead. laid under a ceiling fan and slowly exhaled. watched myself grow one year older.

this year i will live dangerously and regret nothing.
of course.
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